
Sunday, March 4, 2018

An Image and Its Story - February 2018

To my surprise I hadn't taken almost any photos with my dSLR during the month of February. I wasn't aware that I used my phone that often. It seems that I wasn't in the mood to schlepp my big camera around, but I also used the phone a lot at home. I guess I was simply lazy.

February whizzed by in the blink of an eye it seems. Where has that month gone? What happened during that month? Lots of work, Kaefer was here for a very short weekend, I enjoyed two long weekends, and I baked some bread again.

It's been a long time since I had baked bread. I used to do it so often, not only for me but also for friends who would buy it from me. This was before I started working at the high school. It seems with work lots of things have come to a standstill.

I had forgotten how much I enjoy baking bread. This whole wheat bread is super simple to make, so it was good to start with this one. Seeing the flour, water, yeast and salt coming together to a rough dough that would proof overnight was delightful, forming the dough the next day and cutting the star pattern into it was a pleasure, but the real bliss was the delicious smell that waved through the house while the bread was baking in the oven. How was I able to live without that for such a long time? The bread turned out perfectly, and we could hardly wait for it to cool down a bit so that we could devour a couple slices with butter. I'm glad that I took a few pictures before that, and I finally played with textures again to give it a more rustic look. Since I process my photos mainly in Lightroom I have come to play more with presets, but this time I decided to try a texture again. I'm glad I did.


  1. That looks like crusty, crispy delicious bread. As a Lightroom user as well, I too use more presets than textures, but sometimes it is fun to play.

  2. Your bread is just beautiful. I know what you mean about the smell -- when I am at Rick's and he's making bread I swoon in anticipation! This loaf is clearly food-mag worthy!

  3. Yum.
    How I wish we had smellovision and I could bask in that scent.

  4. Your homemade bread looks delicious, Carola. And warm from the oven with butter, even better. I haven't had homemade bread in a long time. I'm glad you got to enjoy the one you made. : )


  5. It’s been years since I’ve made bread. I love the way you photographed your bread and the texture is lovely. I’m fairly new to presets in Lightroom and enjoy trying them out, but often go back to my original edits. Textures is a whole different world for me.

  6. Carola, What a beautiful loaf! Do you bake it in a heavy pot with lid? I have a couple Pinterest recipes that call for preheating the pot, dumping in the proofed dough, and baking with lid on. It sounds so easy, but at my altitude baking can be iffy.

  7. My mouth is watering looking at your bread!!! Homemade bread is the best! Big Hugs!

  8. That is a beautiful loaf of bread! I would love to have your recipe. I've tried making whole wheat bread, but haven't been totally pleased with the results. I love this kind of round, crusty, "peasant" loaf.

  9. a stellar looking mound of bread! I can just imagine the smell throughout your home. I really enjoy using textures when I have the time to play around, too. I'm sure your bread looked fabulous without it!

  10. BEAUTIFUL bread!! Your photography looks like something from a glossy mag of fancy zine--just beautiful! I love baking bread too. I've been baking homemade bread for about a year now. It has changed my life.It is such a great skill to have--making one's own bread. And we surely enjoy the taste of homemade more, as well as the savings of making one's own. I used an overnight, no-knead dough method too--next day, perfect loaf. Bread is a great miracle! :) So glad to have found your sharing, caring, creative space here. :)))


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