
Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Winners!

Thank you to everyone who voted for their favorite photos! At the beginning it was a wide spread field, but then it narrowed considerably and in the end there were three clear winners.

First place goes to the beautiful purple thistle with the Grand Tetons in the back.

The very close runner-up went to the sculpture that I saw at one of the burnt down homes in my old neighborhood, a sign of love and hope amidst total devastation.

And the bronze medal (so to speak, since we are in an Olympic year) goes to our state flower, the beautiful California poppy. This is such a happy flower.

After I had established the winning photos I also had to pick a winner from all of you who voted. The winner will get a greeting card set with the three winning photos, and they will go to...

Cheri at Scrap Dreams! Congratulations!!! 

I don't want to end this post without letting you know which photo is my favorite out of the 15. It is the image of Hayden Valley in Yellowstone National Park. I took this photo early in the morning while the day wasn't quite clear yet. There wasn't any fog anymore, but it was a bit hazy and I found it very atmospheric.


  1. Three cheers for Cheri and I love the winners!

  2. They are all extremely lovely. I would be hard pressed to chose a winner. They are each special in their own way.

  3. Your personal favorite was mine as well!

  4. I'm happy for the winners! That Poppy sure is a beauty. I didn't realize how pretty your favorite picture was until I saw it again. : )


  5. Congrats to Cheri !
    And Happy belated Birthday, Carola !:-)
    Have a lovely week,

  6. Congrats to the winner! I truly love all your photos!! It was hard to pick favourites!! Big Hugs!

  7. Stunning photo's. I will come back and check all these lovely posts out...
    Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my eagle blog...

  8. They are all beautiful and will make a lovely set of notecards!


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