
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

A Firestorm

My dear friends,

my town is burning. While I write this, fires rage without any containment. Mandatory and voluntary evacuations are currently under way. Several neighborhoods like the one in the photo above have been completely destroyed within a few hours. The devastation is incredible and I'm not able to grasp it right now. It is heartbreaking and I have no words.

We are sitting on packed bags, ready to evacuate any time. I don't know when I will be able to blog the next time since I don't know what the coming days will look like. Our home might be safe. We might have to leave. No one knows.

I only know that the wind is shifting and picking up, and that is dangerous.


  1. Oh Carola. I have seen the photos on the news. I am keeping my fingers crossed and sending how good vibes that you will be safe (the most important) and your house will be safe (still very important). What scary place to be. Hugs-Erika

  2. Hope you are safe dear.. here near SFO the air is heavy with smoke..

  3. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Such devastation, I hope your home will be spared.

  4. Dear Carola, my heart goes out to you - we see this on our news and completely understand what a terrible time you and yours and your community are going through. Take care and know that so many all over the world have you in our thoughts and prayers xx

  5. Oh Carola.
    My heart goes out to you and yours and everyone in the fire's path.
    Some years back over 500 homes were lost in a firestorm in my city, and the memories are very, very strong.
    Holding you in my heart.

  6. Oh Carola!!! So sad view... Hope fires stop very soon. Stay safe! Hugs!

  7. You are in my thoughts Carola. I hope you and your loved ones stay safe and out of harms way!

  8. I'm so sorry to hear about the impact of the fires on your home and the need to evacuate. Keeping you in my thoughts.

  9. Oh Carola! I truly hope your home and neighborhood will stay safe. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  10. I have no words that can help other than prayers that you and your family and your home will remain safe. But oh, how tragic. No words...

  11. Thinking of you and hoping you and your home stay safe. I cannot imagine this devastation in populated areas.

  12. so sorry - thinking of you and all the people misplaced by this terrible fire.

  13. I am so, very, very sorry! Sending prayers!!!!! Please take care!!!

  14. Liebe Carola,
    wir sehen täglich die Nachrichten aus Californien. Das ist wirklich beängstigend. Ich schicke Dir viele gute Gedanken und hoffe, dass es für euch glimpflich ausgeht.

  15. Just dropping by to see if there is an update and to let you know I am thinking of you. I can hardly believe this. We lost our vacation home in the High Valley Fire (Lake Co) just two years ago. This brings it all back.

  16. I am hoping with all my heart that you are all safe. This has been such a dreadful year for so many with terrorist and natural disasters and I am so sorry you are in the midst of something so horrific. We watched the news with trepidation and I came to my computer to check up on my friend in the San Fernando Valley who has already lost homes on two occasions in the past. Then I wondered if you were in the area and I am sad to read your message.
    Please be safe and I hope to see you post asap to that effect.
    My heart goes out to you and you are in our thoughts.
    Jo x

  17. Carola das ist ja furchtbar! Ich hoffe, ihr seid alle gesund und munter und euer Haus bleibt verschont!
    Ich weiß gar nicht, was ich angesichts dieser Bilder sagen soll. Da gibt es kaum tröstende Worte!

    Drück dich aus der Ferne

  18. I have thought about you non stop, still am and hoping this nightmare ends soon. My heart breaks for you and your community.

  19. I've been horrified, watching the devastation online and on the news. I'm glad you and your family are safe, I'm still praying your home remains untouched by the fire. Though I live all the way across the country, I have roots in that place. When I was a tiny girl, almost 70 years ago, my family lived on a chicken ranch in Windsor. My younger brother was born in Santa Rosa. I pray for rain.

  20. Oh Carola, I'm so sorry to hear this. Please be safe, and I hope the fires don't hit your home. We are having fires here in California, but they are about three hours away. Thinking of you during this time, and hope you are ok.


  21. Wie ist die Lage mittlerweile bei euch? Ich hoffe, ihr seid verschont geblieben! Man hört hier gar nichts in den Nachrichten.



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