
Sunday, August 6, 2017

Scene & Story - July 2017

One of the most unforgettable experiences in Yellowstone is seeing wolves. Most people don't even see them because you need to get up early to have a chance of a wolf encounter.

The Lamar Valley is home to one or two wolf packs, and so we headed out one morning before sunrise. We first saw a black bear right at the side of the road who didn't bother to pay any attention to these humans in their funny little boxes on wheels. After the bear had trundled away we continued our journey into the valley - and when we reached the top of a hill we had this stunning view over the valley.

I already knew when I took photos of this moment before the sun rose over the mountains that one of them would be a favorite of the month. This image reflects the atmosphere of that morning in Lamar Valley perfectly - the beginning of a new day, cool air before the heat, the meadows with the Lamar River meandering through them and those tall trees scattered all around. It holds the anticipation of seeing wildlife - at this moment I didn't know that only minutes later I would see five wolves feeding on a bison carcass and, after their meal, standing together and howling, an eerily spooky and beautiful sound at the same time. I would stand and stare through the scopes and listen to those "wolf watchers" talk to each other, deeply envying them for the time and leisure they had to follow these amazing animals day after day and get familiar with their behavior. My heart would beat for joy that I could see the wolves.

But all of this I didn't know when I took this photo, but when I look at it now it all comes back. I have always loved the gentle Lamar Valley with its abundance of wildlife and its tranquility. I know how quickly it can change from calmness to excitement, from peaceful enjoyment to breath taking joy.

I'm joining Sarah and Leรณn for Scene and Story.


  1. I love the photo, reminds me of our trip to Montana. I am always up before the sun, so perfect time of day for me to witness nature. What a great memory this photo stirs.

  2. Wow! Breathtaking is just the right word for this image. It makes me want to travel there to experience the awe-inspiring sunrise and wildness.

  3. Beautiful to read ..

  4. For all its peace and calmness, this is a breathtaking photo. I've never been to Yellowstone, but have loved seeing your photos online. Thank you for sharing this one and the story behind it here.

  5. STUNNING image. And precious memories.

  6. This is the glory of a morning. Love the image and your story of it.

  7. The grandeur of your image takes my breath away! What a gorgeous part of the world! Getting to see and hear the wolves must have been amazing!

  8. Absolutely think that your photo of this stunning place is gorgeous, and think that you have really captured the essence of dawn in a place of this beauty!

  9. Love your story of beautiful Yellowstone and the wolves. That is amazing country for the wildlife that lives there and the amazing views and landscape oddities that are there. Thanks for sharing this.

  10. A wonderful early morning sky in gentle pastels. You seem really to have really enjoyed your experience seeing those wolves.

  11. What a sight to see a pack of wolves. I'm wondering if you get too close to them, will they start to be guarded? Jess came over to see your Yellowstone pictures and the hot springs and also left a comment, but I don't think it went through. She thought your pictures were amazing.

    Have a wonderful week, Carola.


  12. Wow, what an amazing experience with the wolves!!

  13. It's so great to hear about the story behind this incredible scene and what you knew before vs after and how it sparks your memory.

  14. Such an experience! It's the most beautiful scene :D)

  15. How cool. When we went to Yellowstone I wanted to see some wolves, but we had no luck. However, I did see a mom and 2 pups in Canada another time. I'm with you, it is really fantastic.


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