
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Just Some Images for Mother's Day

Koalas in San Diego Zoo

It's Mother's Day today in the US and many other countries in the world. I thought it would be fun to post a few photos of mothers and children in the animal kingdom.


Hippos in Berlin Zoo

I had to include this one even though the baby is not in focus. They look as if they're having a really good laugh!

Some of you might remember the little owls we witnessed growing up at the lake.
That was back in 2011.

At the lake we also have many families like this one:

Prairie Dogs in South Dakota's Badlands.

And Bison in Custer State Park, SD.

Every spring sheep come to the site of my husband's work place where they keep the grass and weeds short, nibble on the shrubs and bear their young ones.

Taken in Maine by the Geek, you have to figure this one out by yourself...

Happy Mother's Day !


  1. Just beautiful. And a lovely reminder that family love and pride is NOT limited to our species.
    Thank you - and happy Mothers' Day.

  2. Hi Carola,
    All the photos are fantastic.
    I love the fact that there is at least a mother or a father or a sibling in each one.
    The photo of the Elk is very cool too.
    Have a Happy Week ahead.
    Peace :)

  3. What a great collection of mothers and babies! Oh, the fragility of that tiny, pink lamb. But I think my favorite is the first one of the hippos. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

  4. Love these photos...all mothers have so much responsibility in raising a child, er offspring.

  5. Such wonderful, perfect photos for Mother's Day! and I do remember your sweet owls.

  6. Very very beautiful! I love this post! The last picture is interesting! LOL! Hope you had a great Mother's Day! Hugs!

  7. Love your mothers and babies Carola! Especially t hat hippo baby. The last shot almost looks like a two headed moose! Nothing cuter than animal babies


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