
Thursday, November 5, 2015

What's Happening in My World

I saw this meme on Rinda's blog and then on Cheri's and since I found the questions interesting I thought I bring them over to my blog. I don't do memes anymore on a regular basis, but every now and then I find some good ones - like this one - and then I play along.

What’s the title of the last book you read?

“Lakota Woman” by Mary Crow Dog. It was a very interesting and also emotional read. I often got very annoyed and mad about how Native Americans have been treated in this country. This book was written in 1990 and I have no idea how much has changed – I hope a lot!  I have visited some of the places Mary Crow Dog describes, like the Pine Ridge Reservation and Wounded Knee. Both places had a feel of desperation and sadness about them and this I could also feel while reading her autobiography.

What is the last thing you cooked at home?

Yesterday I cooked cut up Nürnberger Rostbratwurst (the famous bratwurst from Nuremberg) with left over spaghetti (cut up as well), green cabbage and egg – all sautéed in a large pan with a little bit of salt and ground caraway. The entire family loved it.

What is your favorite thing about Fall?

The colors and the light.

Share one thing that challenged you at some point over the last week.

I received an email that was a bit harsh and I had to think carefully how to respond to it. I have learned to sleep a night before responding to things that upset me, and I’m glad I did. My response the next day was calm and thought through, and the following reaction to this from the writer was nice and sweet.  

List three hobbies that you actively pursue or want to pursue.

Photography is always my favorite hobby – I recently took some lovely autumn pictures at the lake one morning. I love knitting and do a lot of it right now. Reading is another favorite hobby and I’m always looking for book recommendations. I love to go to the thrift stores, buy books dirt cheap and, when I’m done reading them, bring most of them back. Curling up on the sofa and getting lost in a book is the ultimate comfort for me.      

What is the most recent sporting event you watched?

Don’t laugh – it was the World Cup in the summer of 2014…    

Besides watching "live TV," what service do you use to watch TV or films (netflix, on demand, etc.)?

We use Amazon Streaming or rent DVDs from the library. We don’t watch much TV except for PBS and are fans of Masterpiece – wonderful British shows!

Have you started Christmas shopping yet? 

Nope. But I’ve finished knitting a hat that I want to give to a friend’s daughter for Christmas. Since she doesn’t read my blog I can post it here. Unfortunately the colors in the picture are a bit off – the yarn is a rich flecked green and delicious! The pattern was much easier than I thought - I knit this entire hat in three evenings. I like the lacy look in the leaves.

Do you have any upcoming trips?

Unfortunately not.

Do you remember your dreams?

Some of them I do, some I don’t.


  1. What an intriguing meme. Thank you - I really liked this sneak peak into your world.

  2. So glad to read your answers. You are certainly a master of the autumn light!

  3. We have a lot in common; photography, knitting, reading for three. This is a cute meme and I feel like I know you better since I read this post. I love the shot of the lake and that hat you knitted is gorgeous. I love the pattern.
    Your friend's daughter is going to be so happy.

  4. Enjoyed your post, Carola. You knit very well...the hat is pretty, but the prettiest of all is your lake photo. So serene!

  5. Your autumn photos are stunning! Thanks for the peek into your world.

  6. Thanks for your answers to the questions this morning...and you must keep up your photography! Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. That hat is beautiful. The color as pictured is gorgeous! I too am a reader, but I get my books from the library these days. It was fun to get to know you a bit better by your answers to these questions!

  8. Enjoyed reading the questions and answers. The hat is stunning, looks a bit complicated for my skills though. Your autumn photo is beautiful

  9. The hat you knitted is very beautiful! And I love your photos of the geese and of the lovely, vibrant fall colors. Ah, it has been a long time since you've watched a sporting event, but I completely understand. The only sports show I like to watch is American Ninja Warrior. I don't know how long it has been since I watched any somewhat substantial part of any other sporting event or game on tv. I'm also with you on thrift store shopping--ah! There's nothing like finding great, inexpensive items. Your bratwurst and spaghetti dinner sounds good!


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