
Friday, May 22, 2015

Found Flowers by the Side of the Street

During one of our after-dinner walks around the neighborhood, the Geek and I found two black pots with geraniums by the side of the street in front of a house. I'm not a huge fan of geraniums, so we didn't really think much about it and walked on.

When I passed there the next day I saw that they were still sitting out there. The wind had blown them over and they were just lying there, their bare roots sticking out. I felt sorry for them, put them back in the pots and then saw the small white piece of paper that said "free". I continued walking, but on my way home I couldn't get the poor flowers out of my head. So I decided to drive over and if they were still there I would give them a home.

Of course they were still there. I brought them home and first gave them a good amount of water to revive them.

I knew I had three terracotta pots that needed to be cleaned out, so I quickly did that and then divided the flowers and gave them a new home in fresh good potting soil. They looked really wild when I was finished, so I cut down all the over grown stuff and the spent flowers.

At the moment they're sitting in the middle of the dead lawn where they get morning sun, but are shaded by the privet tree during the hottest hours of the day . I don't think they will stay there forever, but for the time being it's a good spot.

This is my Friday Find for this week.


  1. They have a beautiful color. Here I have to protect geraniums from the rain, otherwise they won't grow.

  2. Flowers don't bloom where you love them! Absolutely!

  3. well, it's a good find, even if they are not your favorite!!!

    have a wonderful weekend!!!

  4. Carola, I would have done the same. They are beautiful flowers.

  5. Congratulations on your find. geraniums are prize possessions are very hardy plants. I have a lot of them. Love all the variety in these plants. Great photos. Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Was für eine gute Tat - nun erfreut ihr euch vielleicht aneinander :-)

    Herzlichst - Monika

    Ich dachte spontan an das Buch von Wolfgang Borchert "Die traurigen Geranien" weiß auch nicht warum ...

  7. I am very glad that they found a home with you.

  8. I bet these turn lush and healthy under your care. You'll have to show another "after" photo in a few weeks!

  9. I have heard of "Rescue pets"but you are the first person I've seen who has "rescue plants". Good for you I say. I like geraniums.

  10. Ich hätte sie auch mitgenommen sie werde es dir sicher danken und besonders prächtig blühen.
    Ich wünsche dir ein fröhliches Pfingstwochenende,

  11. what a lovely find. When I was much younger I was not a fan of geraniums either. Now, I love them. We live on the sea and geraniums are just hardy enough for our ocean breezes. And, they look so cheery when I put a small pot on the kitchen table.

  12. Hi Carola, I love how you gave those poor flowers a new home. Geraniums are so hardy aren't they and they'll thrive in their pretty pots! Cheers now :D)

  13. I love geraniums! What a great find for you. They don't mind some shade. I plant them in a wicker planter that only gets sun for about 6 hours in the morning and they bloom into September. Enjoy these!

  14. I think you will like them, they are very hardy and quite drought resistant. I always mean to plant more of them...but somehow don't get around to it. You are now a "plant rescue person". (-:

  15. A great find, and although not your favourite I am sure they will thrive in your care. I am not keen on geraniums either, unless they are the scented leaf variety. I have a rose scented one which I love

  16. This is what I call a very successful scavenge hunt! I'm hot and cold about geraniums, but in their favor, except for occasional deadheading and water, they're pretty even tempered.

  17. Goes to prove how hard geraniums truly are! They are not my favourite plant either but they will flower for the entire growing season!

  18. Good Karma, Carola!
    I like the bright green pot also.
    Have a Great Weekend!
    Peace :)


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