
Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday Gratitude for Seventeen Years of Joy

Today's Sunday Gratitude post looks a bit different from the others - it's about my gratitude for just one "thing" - but it's a biggie.

This week Kaefer turned 17. Seventeen.

I'm not quite sure how this happened... I mean it's not that long ago that I held her in my arms as a baby, then a toddler, an elementary school kid, a pre-teen, a teenager...

Seventeen years. Seventeen years of joy.

Oh yes of course, it wasn't always joy and blissful moments. There were tantrums, tears, "attitude", sometimes lies though very seldom, grumpiness, moping, the occasional drama. A rather usual list of a mother to a daughter.

But all in all, it has been mainly joy to raise a daughter, to see a sweet toddler developing into a confident girl, a goofy teenager, and to witness her growing into a lovely young woman. A young woman who is very concerned about our planet and takes care of the earth. Someone who wants to do her part and become an environmental engineer. She takes school seriously without being an overachiever and has opted to take German classes every Saturday morning for one school year to be able to get her German Language Diploma. She loves history and science; she's not so fond of writing essays for her English class. She can be a giggling, goofy teenager and dead serious the next moment. She has a group of good friends with whom she would like to spend more time if there were more hours in a day. She is wonderful with small children (her little German cousins love her) and enjoys her volunteering work with them.

She drives a stick like a pro.

She likes Jennifer Lawrence and Downton Abbey. She is quite "artsy", draws and paints beautifully, loves to work with polymer clay and sometimes sews her own clothes, be it for the homecoming dance or Halloween. She is quite inventive with her hair style and during the summer it's either barefoot or her Teva sandals.

And sometimes - way too seldom - she turns into a little girl again for a moment, curling up next to me and telling me that she loves me.

Oh, do I love her back... as we said when she was little, to the moon and back.

I am so very thankful for this biggest gift and miracle in my life.


  1. Beautiful shot of your lovely daughter, and what a blessing these daughters are in our lives!

  2. What a wonderful post! Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter. Time has gone so quickly hasn't it? I hope she has the opportunity to follow her dreams and bring you lots more joy and happiness

  3. Beautiful young lady, Carola! Happy Birthday, Kaefer!

  4. Ein wunderschönes Mädchengesicht mit einem tollen Zopf !

    Liebe Grüße - Monika

  5. Wishing Kaefer a very happy birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday!
    Du hast eine wunderschöne Tochter.
    Ja ich frage mich auch oft, wo die Jahre geblieben sind. Meine ist schon 27 Jahre alt. Das schlimme daran ist aber, dass wir genauso viele Jahre älter geworden sind ;.)

    Liebe Grüße aus Old Germany
    von Renate

  7. Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich Käfer! :)

    Du hast ja wundervolle Eigenschaften, am meisten freut mich, dass Du selbstbewusst bist, dass man Dich so erzogen hat. Bei mir war das leider anders damals.

    Und dass Du ein kreativer Mensch bist, freut mich ebenso, hast halt die Gene Deiner Mama :)

    Und an die Mama: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu solch einer tollen Tochter :))

    Habt eine tolle Woche

    Liebe Grüße
    Tinna ✐

  8. I will second Michelle's comment and add Congratulations to you! :-)

  9. Congratulations Mama on raising a beautiful and conscientious daughter. You both have reason to be so proud!

  10. Kaefer sounds like a wonderful young lady. I wish her a happy day as she celebrates 17 years. Blessings.

  11. She looks lovely and sound lovely too! I hope she had a great special day!

  12. Happy belated birthday! I love how she has fixed her hair. I can tell she makes you proud, Carola.


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