
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Stately Fence

You are probably not surprised that this week's fence comes from Olompali State Park. This park doesn't only have beautiful trees and an abundance of Calla Lilies but also some fences that look quite nice. Knipsa will be delighted to learn that there will be a "rusty" post about the park in the near future as well!

From this fence you can see the view over to San Pablo Bay, and I imagine that from the hiking trails that are higher up in the park the view is even more fantastic. I will find out one day!

For now I just leave you with the fence and the beautiful trees in this park. In a few months, the green will be gone and the dominating color will be brown again. This is why I love winter so much - it turns everything green, in a wonderful fresh green.

Of course I'm linking up to Theresa's Good Fences.


  1. That is a lovely fence and with that shadow too!

  2. Pretty fence and view. I like the shadows captured too. Have a happy day!

  3. Carola, it looks so sturdy, doesn't it? I can't imagine how many man hours it took to complete this one.

  4. oh your fences are lovely. I love # 2 the way you took it.

    Have a nice day!

  5. goodness, that's gorgeous! i'm soaking in the green from your photos, too! (snow here in texas again today.)

  6. Also, diesen Zaun hier finde ich ja schon total schön - so schön verwittert :)
    Das letzte Bild gefällt mir am besten.
    Und ich freu mich schon auf das rostige Teilchen :))
    Liebe Grüße

  7. Das ist ein schönes Revier - und auch mir gefällt das letzte Bild so gut - ich mag es wie der Zaun sich durchs Bild windet und immer unschärfer wird.

    Liebe Grüße - Monika

    Ich suche gerade welchen für eine neue Textur ... :-)

  8. Yes it is, and oh those shadows!

  9. These are great. I really love that stately tree in the first shot. The angle of the 2nd shot is so cool and I think my favorite of the fence shots. It looks like a great place to visit.

  10. What a glorious place. And yes, I am a winter fan too. Crisp, clean, beautiful. And that green is magical.

  11. Hi Carola, well you've done it again - given us most beautiful and creative images of fences!
    I especially love the composition of your first photo and that gorgeous sky with just a hint of cloud :D)

  12. Hi Carola, I had to look Olompali State Park up on Google Maps - it has such interesting topography. We may be taking a road trip to N CA in the spring, and I wanted to see if it was near the National Seashore at Point Reyes where we will probably spend some time.

  13. Beautiful place....sweet how you captured the shadow of the fence as well...double enjoyment!

  14. Beautiful fence photos Carola, and I love the shadows.

  15. Hi Carola, Great post for Good Fences. I did a quick search for more info on Olompali State Park. Your photos are so much better than the ones that came up on that search. Really, really like the composition on that first photo. Thanks so much for all your kind comments on my blog. John

  16. That is a beautiful fence and scenery. It's hard to understand that your winter grasses are green and summer's are brown when we are the opposite here. Well, ours are covered in white but they're brown underneath. :)

  17. Such lovely captures of the fence. The contrast of the green against the wood is so striking. Yes, unfortunately, the green will be gone soon.

  18. Those trees are grand ! and they look so beautiful next to the old timey fence.

  19. love the close up & angled views of the old wooden fence...and the meandering shadows.
    i like winter. i love the bare trees & the cold, clean, crispness of everything. (of course here in north florida the winter's not at all like up north)

  20. I really like the way the tree is growing at an angle! Very cool. Yep, I like the fence too. ;)

  21. Glorious photos of stunning scenery and some gorgeous fences too! Wonderful Tree x


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