
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mailboxes in the Middle of Nowhere

Route 66 in Northwestern Arizona is a pretty lonely road. Except for the tiny town of Oatman and its burros you seldom meet someone. The road goes up and down through rugged country and mountains until it flattens out into uninviting landscape. Dirt and some tough vegetation - and this:

There aren't any homes to see, no driveways except for dust roads that seem to go on unto the horizon. You really wonder where these mailboxes belong to.

Layered with kk_isobel that I first rotated 
and then blended in hard light at 42%; texture brushed away from mailboxes

Since it was December there were long shadows - I couldn't resist stopping here and taking some photos.

Some of the mailboxes were quite rusty which made me wonder how long they have already been here that they are in this condition in such a dry climate as this one.

Although rather late, I'm linking up to Kim's "Texture Tuesday".


  1. Would be so cool to know the story behind those boxes!! Fantastic photos. :)

  2. So funny seeing something like this when there are no visible homes and are in the middle of nothing. Nice processing. Route 66! Such a famous route in this country from days gone by.

  3. Das sind ja totschicke Fotomodels Carola! :)
    DA hätte ich mich auch länger aufgehalten und wenn ich noch so Hunger gehabt hätte. :D
    Super die Schatten, die wie Federn wirken :) Um diese Models beneide ich Dich aber! :))
    Hast Du denn gar keine Makros von den rostigen Einzelteilen gemacht? ;)
    Wünsche Dir noch einen tollen Tag!

  4. Hallo Carola,
    danke für deinen lieben Kommentar & deiner Sicht der Dinge zu meiner Frage! Beneidenswert finde ich den Schritt und den Mut auszuwandern! Respekt! Deine Fotos gefallen mir ausgesprochen gut! Und so habe ich Breifkästen an einem Highway auch noch nicht gesehen! Habe ich es richtig verstanden, es ist die legendäre Route 66? Hach, die wäre ich auch gerne mal mit dem Motorrad abgefahren *lach
    Weil es mir auf deiner Seite so gut gefällt belibe ich denn mal an dir hängen! Magst du bitte nur den von Blogger bereiten Übersetzrer vielleicht bei ddir aktivieren? Ich kann nicht so gut Englisch :o)
    Habs in der Schule auch nicht wirklich gelernt.
    Liebe Grüße zu dir schicke,
    aus dem Alten Land

  5. Hmm, irgendwie hat der Follower heute schlechte Laune, er läßt keine Anmeldung zu...
    Ich versuch es später noch mal...
    winke, winke

  6. Cool shots of the mailboxes. I love the shadows too. Thanks for sharing, have a happy day!

  7. Must be houses far back from the road that the post office refuses to travel!

  8. I wonder if the husband and wife argue over who is going to get the mail? :) It seems like it would be a long drive. Great images!

  9. Hi Carola, Such cool shots ... I especially love the 3rd and 5th with the shadows! John

  10. How cool, if I get a chance I'm going to look for those boxes in one of my Route 66 books. When I was a little girl we drove that every summer to visit my grandfather and it's so special to me. I heard that there are places that folks have put up a cafe and stores and such to bring back the old days when it was such a popular place. I bet those mailboxes belonged to folks back when it was a boom area. Very cool photo!

  11. You're right ... there is just something about a row of old mailboxes. They're all different, yet all blended together somehow, in a soldier row. Very nice.

  12. Wonderful. Fantastic shadows. You never know what you might find in an unexpected area. One day while walking in the forest near my house, I found a fireplug in the forest. There was nothing anywhere near that would require it. Why there?

  13. I like the texture on the posts and LOVE the shadows!


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