
Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Trio of Wooden Snowmen

Remember when we built a picket fence around the front and side of our house in the spring? Quite some wood was left over that I had piled in our shed. First I had no idea what to do with it, I only knew that I didn't want to throw away all these pieces of perfectly fine wood.

Then it came to me - ornaments. Of course!!! And since I like snowmen, it was pretty obvious that I would make snowmen ornaments.

I first put down a layer of gesso, adhered some torn pieces of scrapbook paper and then covered the background with light blue paint. The snowmen were painted after that and further embellished with glitter glue that shall represent the falling snow. A screw eye drilled on top for the hanger and I also added a sparkling ribbon.

The first "batch" is done and available in my Etsy shop. I think I will do some more with different colored backgrounds.

It was so much fun creating these little guys. Of course as true Northern Californian snowmen they are made of untreated redwood.

Are you making some ornaments for this year's holidays?

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, joining some wonderful and talented artists.


  1. These are the cutest snowmen around! hard to believe that we need to be thinking of Christmas ornaments already - good for you for getting a head start!! You are very inspirational.

  2. This are so adorable Carola. What a great idea!

  3. Cute!!! We see snow only in art, over here lol

  4. Tolle Idee. Sieht super aus, ohne deinen Text vorher zu lesen, dachte ich, es seien kleine Keilrahmen. Hast das Holz sehr gut recycelt. :)

    Schönes Wochenende.

    LG Biggi

  5. Beautiful work, love those cool snowmen! Happy PPF, Valerie

  6. They are enchanting. I defy anyone to look at them without smiling. Broadly.

  7. Hi happy snowmen!
    Yesterday we had snow for a moment but now it all is gone, it's a rainy, grey day.
    Happy PPF!

    my blog - > BLOGitse

  8. These are super cute! That's my absolute favourite shade of aqua/blue as well. I love that you came up with such a good way to upcycle the leftover wood!

  9. I love those snowmen. What a great idea on using the wood pieces.

  10. These are adorable!!! So clever and cute. We all need to do this. They're about the cutest ornaments I've seen! Love the color, the sparkly ribbon, the 3D aspect of the fronts.

  11. Your wooden snowmen ornaments look great!

  12. What a wonderful keepsake and treasure!!

  13. Recycle, recycle, recycle...LOVE IT!
    I have been making ornaments... Right now i'm working on some wooden snowflakes i bought at a craft store...really detailed and intricate. I stained them and now i'am rubbing some gold antiquing cream around the edges....A little time consuming but i think its going to be gorgeous! :) Hugs! deb

  14. These are so beautiful, so glad I stopped by!

  15. Charming and adorable... I love them all!!

    Hugs Giggles

  16. Gorgeous recycling, Carola! Love them!

  17. How fun... I spent the weekend creating Christmas cards. The holiday will be be here soon.

  18. these are so much fun. Original gifts to have in your Christmastree!

  19. Good for you! Brilliant idea! They are so cute ;o)


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