
Monday, September 29, 2014

Heartwarming Memories

When I was going through some pictures this evening I found these three photos of Kaefer and myself, taken by the Geek during our visit to the Northern German island of Spiekeroog. We were staying there for a long weekend, having a family reunion with the Geek's parents, his siblings and their families. We spent a lot of time together, but there were also times when we just wanted to be on our own. Sometimes you also need a little bit of distance if you're so close together.

Spiekeroog is a pretty cool place (and I mean this in regard of its temperature) and very very windy. However, it has a gorgeous sand beach that goes on for miles and miles. It is wonderful to walk there, look for shells (here you find mainly what they call Venus shells), watch jelly fish and even get your feet wet if you don't mind the cold. In short, a great place to walk and spend time with the people you love.

We took a long walk there later in the afternoon when the sun was closer to the horizon (but not much - this was the middle of June and the sun sets very late at night) and the light was warm and golden. Seeing these pictures of Kaefer and myself just warms my heart. Such beautiful memories.


  1. Memory banks with images like these are bursting with riches. Incredible wealth.
    And I love your blissful (and similar) faces.

  2. Liebe Carola,
    so wunderbare Mutter-Tochterbilder habe ich lange nicht gesehen, Deine Hübche ist Dir wie aus dem Gesicht geschnitten !

    Ganz liebe Gruesse, Patricia

  3. What great pictures, you both look so relaxed and happy. What lovely memories.

  4. Lovely photos, Carola. It was clearly a special time for you all. And what a glorious beach! It looks amazing. All the best, Bonny

  5. Your picture is so lovely it almost made me cry (in a good way) and it's not even my memory :)

  6. Sweet photographs. I love them.

  7. It's wonderful to relive happy memories through our photos. I'm sure you'll treasure these for many years.

  8. Such precious pictures and memories! I love this post ;o)


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