
Monday, February 3, 2014

Here Comes the Rain Again

Finally we had some rain. Yesterday it started to rain about six o'clock in the morning. It was lovely lying in bed and listening to the pitter patter of the rain on the roof. Unfortunately, the rain stayed just for one day, by far not even close enough to change anything in our drought situation. All we got was six-tenth of an inch.

So it was a rainy Sunday. Perfect excuse to be lazy! I took out my coloring pencils and started drawing a girl in the rain. Judging from her face, she's not quite as excited about the rain as I am... well, perhaps she lives in Oregon or Washington or even BC where they have much more rain.

This morning, when I started face no. 3 for 29 Faces, I went to a different climate - the desert. Again I used coloring pencils. I never really worked with coloring pencils, and I quite enjoy it, but I am not sure that I use them the right way. However, I'm having fun with this!


  1. you've drawn such soulful eyes on both.

  2. My cousin who lives on the Oregon coast tells me they are in a drought there, too. They've been experiencing wildfires - something unheard of for January. I'm praying for rain for the whole West Coast.
    I like your desert girl - she has beautiful eyes.

  3. Hi Carola. Your pieces are great! Lots of fun to look at. Nice job! Have a great day.

  4. Beautiful faces, Carola. The eyes are amazing! You are welcome to some of our rain. we have had the wettest January on record and there is flooding all over the country, but at it's worst in Somerset.

  5. I am glad you are having fun because I really enjoy those portraits. Do you remember Caran d'Ache coloring pencils from Switzerland.?They are my favorite since I was a little girl.

  6. Lovely faces! Where I live it has been raining nearly every day for weeks!

  7. I was on the south coast of BC last week, and it only rained one day, but no one said anything about drought.
    I remember the California drought in the 1970s, when I thought "save water, shower with a friend" was a fun idea.
    Your picture of the girl with the umbrella made me think of my longtime BC friend who introduced me to blogging. She has two blogs, and one of them is
    Take a look. She loves umbrellas.

  8. haha, yes, she does look like she's had more than enough of the rain ;-) Your desert girl looks very exotic ...

  9. Loving both of your beautiful faces.
    Annette x

  10. I think your first face does look ready for the rain to end! The second one is intriguing. I like them.

  11. I agree with everyone else. Your eyes are fantastic! It is nice to get some rain, isn't it?


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