
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Flowers In My garden

We woke up to a cloudy morning. Since the colors usually pop so much more on a cloudy day than on a sunny one I decided to go outside and take pictures of some flowers in my garden - I was pretty sure that the sun would come out very soon.

I really love the Mexican sunflower - I have three of them, and one is huge, one medium and a small one. This is the L version - just stunning, don't you think? They're annuals and I've already decided that I will have them again next year.

The verbena bonariensis is right next to the Mexican sunflowers - a wonderful color combination. My friend Jo gave me these plants, they are from her garden. We often exchange plants. This one is very popular with the bees.

I have African daisies in this color and lavender, and they have taken off in my front yard. I first had them in the back where they didn't do very well, but since I transplanted them to the front in early spring they have been happy as a clam and doubled in size.

The pink yarrow are also from Jo. When I got them they were small and I didn't really know what color they were. They go perfectly with the African daisy that are happen to be right next to them.

The red yarrow is my favorite among the yarrow. Such a beautiful, rich color.

Look, the poppies are still coming!! Only a few now and they are rather small, but small is beautiful, right?

Every garden needs to have some Shasta daisies. They are so uncomplicated, the deer don't like them (and neither do the raccoons who love to devour sunflowers) and they're just pretty flowers. This is the variety "Alaska". Hardy, of course.

I saw these gaillardias in the nursery this week - and their color just blew me away. So rich and happy. Usually I don't plant during the hot summer months, but I couldn't resist these stunning beauties. Would you have?

Yes, this is a California poppy - just in different colors. I love these shades, they look a bit delicate but they are tough little cookies. They wouldn't even die when the deer ate part of them.

Of course there is a bird bath here as well. This one I can see from my kitchen window. So far mainly the crows use it - whatever they find to eat they first dip into water here and then they enjoy it. Funny creatures (yes, I love them).

These flowers are all in the front of the house. Now let's go into the backyard. I haven't worked that much on the backyard yet, the main work went into the front.

The backyard offers more shade which is perfect for the delphinium. California isn't prime delphinium country, but they remind me of England. I just need a few of them here, all in blue shades.

Abutilon (Flowering Maple) - they love part shade as well. Some locations in my backyard are almost perfect for that.

Coreopsis - I love love love the color combination in this one! So gorgeous.

Echinacea is another must in the garden, I think. There are so many varieties available by now. I love how the center of the flower peaks above anything else.

I have always loved rudbeckia - this is "Indian Summer". The other variety I love is "Autumn color" with rich rust and bronze shades.

Most of my sunflowers fell victim to the deer and the raccoon, but in the backyard I was lucky with a few seeds I had put in the soil. This red sunflower is amazing - it's tall (about 6 ft.) with dark green foliage and this stunning red flower. It's one of my favorites in the garden.

This post wouldn't be complete without a picture of my little feathered friends, in this case a titmouse. They are such loyal visitors to my garden.

How does your garden grow?


  1. Ooooh and aaah. I do love the vibrancy and the colour in your garden. Many of the flowers you show also rampage through my garden - just not now in the middle of winter. Spring is coming though, and I am full of excitement about it.

  2. You live in a very gorgeous garden! Photographer par excellence !

  3. What beautiful flowers, I particularly like the 2nd and the 9th pictures.
    We have delphinians in my work garden, I didn't know the name until you mentioned it in your post.
    Make use of those cloudy mornings and even lighting!

  4. Loved this walk through your yard, Carola! All these blossoms are fabulous, such vibrant color.

  5. oh... your flowers are so vibrant. I'm going to show them to my mom (who's visiting)...
    I've never seen the California Poppy in anything but golden. Love this shade of color!

  6. Your photos and flowers are gorgeous!
    The Abutilon is so pretty. I've only seen them in photos, but I'd love to see one in "person". Thanks for sharing your photos.

  7. I loved the walk in your garden, the red yarrow is a fave of mine but the pink seems to be returning to white....
    Your garden must by now becoming what you want it to be, it must be a while now since you moved? x

  8. apart from the roses, my garden is green. o flowers this uear, we just dont seem to have made time for planting. your photos and choices are just beautiful. i cant pick a favourite, although of course the shasta ...and I've never seen a red sunflower. another happy visit!

  9. What a gorgeous selection of flowers and so much color. Titmouse are one of my favorite birds, they have so much character.

  10. How does my garden grow? Not nearly as well or as beautiful as the flower show you put on for us here in your delightful post. You live in a paradise of flowers.

  11. Your flowers are so beautiful up close and it's nice that you know the names of each one. I should make more of an effort to learn them. Love your little birdie, too! Enjoy your week!

  12. OMG! Your flowers are GORGEOUS and your photography of them is stunning. I think I would love to visit and see those flowers in person.

  13. Oh my goodness, Carola, your photos are just stunning. I scrolled back up and had a second look at them! :o) Don't you just love sunflowers? My summer crop is just winding down, but I planted some more seeds last week that are already sprouting - hoping for a good fall crop this year!

    What a lovely look around your garden!

  14. I am loving all the pictures! So beautiful! Such rich colors! Our flowers didn't do well this year? Weird, because we did get a lot of rain? We have many visitors to our bird bath too ;o) Got to love those crows! LOL! Love your titmouse ;o) Take Care ;o)
    (I have been away, just catching up!)

  15. The beauty of your garden is amazing! Your photos captured the vibrant colors perfectly. I love how you captured the bee inside the poppy.

  16. The yarrows and icelandic poppy are spectacular. Plus the color of the Mexican daisies are fantastic.

  17. Your gardens are gorgeous Carola and I love your little titmouse friend. I always enjoy watching them at the feeder.

  18. A feast for the eyes! I adore garden and flower photos. I wish I had a green thumb for gardening. Everything I plant dies.


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