
Sunday, June 30, 2013

2013 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt Part 1

For this summer I've joined Rinda's Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt. Rinda has a list of 21 items we should find over the summer, photograph them and then post about them.

My start has been very slow, and I am pretty sure that I can't do all of the 21 items. However, for me it's always important to have FUN while doing things like this, and not put any kind of pressure on myself. So far I have found four of the items.

#2 Theater for performing arts (not a movie theater)

This is the outside of the auditorium at our Junior College where every summer we go to the plays of the Summer Repertory Theater. The plays these students from all over the country put on stage are quite amazing. Yesterday we went to the opening night of "Shrek - The Musical" and we thoroughly enjoyed it. There was so much energy on stage, it was contagious. This was the hottest day of the year so far (102 F), I was taking this picture against the sun which was starting to set behind the building. The sky turned out completely white, so I layered the photo with a texture and then removed the textured from the building, people and tree again.

#7 A sign that is intentionally or unintentionally funny

During one of my walks through our neighborhood I discovered this sign. There are far less cats here than in my old neighborhood. There I always had cats in my backyard (perhaps you remember Geeda and even Ginger), but not so here. Instead, the bird population has exploded, and that is really nice as well.

#10 A bench that is outside

This bench you have already seen in this post, but I had originally photographed it for the scavenger hunt - so here it is. I still love this dad and his daughter on - perhaps their first - fishing outing together.

#19 A fisherman

I could have cheated and taken the same photo as above... OR if not a fisherman, then perhaps fisherGIRLS would work as well. However, my first thought when I saw these girls was "mermaids".

If you want to see what other photographers found, you can go to Rinda's link up post and check it all out.


  1. I think you have a great attitude for the scavenger hunt. It's all about having fun! And it's a way to get out and see new things during the summer, as well as looking at your own town with fresh eyes. Plus, seeing how these items look as photographed by people all over the globe.
    Thanks for linking up!

  2. Beautiful photos Carola. In those sorts of temperatures I wouldn't be rushing either! Enjoy the rest of your treasure hunt x

  3. Great capture of the girls on the rocks :o) You're ahead of me by one, as I only started on Thursday. We've got plenty of time yet.

  4. You have a good start on finding 21 photos. I love that Cat Crossing sign.


  5. I wondered how you did the sky in the first photo, thanks for explaining. I love your fisher-women photo. It looks like a glorious summer day. If I manage to find this one it will probably look alot colder!

  6. What fun! I love the Cat Crossing sign. There used to be a sign on one of our regular country drives which said 'Bulls Cross Here'. We always wondered what had annoyed them.

  7. I too love the attitude of just having fun - I didn't find them all when I took part last year - but I had fun trying!

    I love your mermaids photo - so lovely.

    Julie :-)

  8. Hi Carola,

    It looks like you had a great day and a fun scavenger hunt. Wishing you a great week.

  9. I don't usually associate fishing with ladies but I was surprised when I did mine and found one too - and I remember doing it a bit with my dad when I was younger too. Not sure I'd do it now though, crafting and photography is much more fun! Great photos.


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