
Friday, May 10, 2013

Liberate Your Art

This year I participated in Kat Sloma's Liberate your art postcard swap again. I had done so the first year, but missed it last year due to the move.

I received six beautiful cards, and it was quite exciting to get all of them. They came form the US and the UK, and most of them had some kind or other of blue in them. It's something I realized the more cards I received.

This funny moose came from William with the message "Aim for the concept, not the reality". Bill blogs at WJCS Digital World and as you can imagine, he loves digital art.

Alison Bent wrote on the back of this cute card these words by Aldo Leopold: "Our ability to perceive quality in nature begins, as in art, with the pretty. It expands through successive stages of the beautiful to valves as yet uncaptured by language".

This beautiful scene was sent to me from Kat in the Appalachian Mountains. You can find more of her beautiful photos on Instagram.

Natasha sent this beautiful work of art with an inspiring quote by Scott Adams, "Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." I quite like that!

The fifth card came from Mel in the UK - her message was wonderful: "Put your he{ART} into all you do!" She blogs at I Speak Melsh - why don't you look for yourself what she means by that?

Last but not least - and this card didn't even arrive as the last one - the card from Kat herself in beautiful shades of blue.

If you want to see the cards I sent out - I'm sorry that I have to disappoint you. I was so excited about the swap that I totally forgot to take pictures of my cards! I sent five different cards of my artwork - unfortunately, that is all I can tell you.

If Kat is doing a Liberate your art postcard swap again next year, I'm pretty sure I will participate again. It really is a lot of fun.


  1. Hi!
    I wish I could see your postcard too.
    I live in Northern California on the coast, and your seascape looks a lot like home!

  2. It is so wonderful to see my postcard on your blog! It's just as wonderful to see the others you received, too. This swap was such a fun way to experience other peoples' art. Maybe we'll see each other next year, too.

  3. Carola, what a beautiful collection you received! The swap is always fun. Didn't we connect for the first time during the first Liberate Your Art swap?

  4. What an exciting, envigorating and enchanting idea. And I the cards you received. Next year can you please (pretty please) take photos of the ones you send as well?

  5. I'm loving seeing what was in everyones mail. What fun this was! Looking forward to next years swap!

  6. You have no idea how excited I was to see one of my cards here!! How lovely to discover where it got to :) I received several the same as yours, plus a couple of different ones - weren't they lovely, and wasn't it fun?!


    Mel x

  7. Those are fabulous postcards you've received. :) I participated last year or a year before that. Can't remember exactly but I totally loved it. :)

  8. Nice selection, Carola! Maybe next time we'll remember to snap a pic before we send ours out 8D

  9. They're all great! I keep seeing the moose around.

  10. I love seeing postcards I haven't seen anywhere else and you got some. You received some beauties. I love those cute! See you next time!

  11. I have one of yours so people can come see at least one of them there! :)
    Isn't it coincidental how we received a couple from the same folks? So many people participated and I'm loving the blog hop so I can see some of the really talented artists.

  12. Nice post. The swap was such fun and now seeing and reading how and where the the art was received is a treat

  13. I was thrilled to see my card on your blog! I only knew of one person who had received it up until now, and here it is on your wonderful blog.

    I also have a blog here on blogger, so Instagram isn't the only place to see my work.

    Love your post and I'll be checking out your blog entries in addition to this one!

  14. Fab postcards, love them all!

  15. Your cards are like a lovely nature walk!

  16. Mel is one of my best blog friends! I love that moose.

  17. Carola you received some fabulous cards. This was my first year participating but I know if Kat does it again, I'll be there!

  18. Wow lucky girl! I love all of these! Great swap!! Take Care ;o)

  19. You received some very beautiful pieces of art! Hope you connect with those who received yours! Cheers, Sheila

  20. It was so great to have you in the swap again Carola! I love how there is always something in common with the art. I guess you needed some blue!

  21. It really is a fabulous idea, Carola. I like that it gets the snail-mail moving again!!! :)


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