
Friday, April 12, 2013

A Painting on a Painting

Last year I started and almost finished a painting that went somewhere completely different than I wanted. This is not a bad thing; however, it took a direction that I didn't like very much. I tried to change it several times, but it only got worse, so I put it away and forgot about it.

Recently I found it again, and I was embarrassed about how bad it was - so embarrassed that I won't show it here. I decided to paint over it, to get rid of it for good. There were a very few areas that I liked and left those unpainted, hoping that I could do something with it.

You can still see a bit what was underneath it - a girl with a lot of punched flowers in her hair, you can see the outline of her shirt and the shape of a bird. I wanted to paint another girl and thought it would be a good idea to turn the canvas.

The flowers make a really nice texture. However, I didn't really like the spots I left from the old painting except for the heart. I covered them as well.

This is the finished painting, and I am much happier with it than with the original painting. It's a completely different girl, the mood is not dark but more pensive.

The flowers beneath the girl turned out really nice - I like it that way.

I am linking again with Paint Party Friday and Studio JRU. Let me know what you think!


  1. Oh, that's soooo pretty. I love the colours and the effect with the flowers under from the old painting is lovely. The little bird is sweet and the gorgeous soft look on her face as she studies him is fabulous :-)
    IKE xx

  2. Carola, you couldn't have gotten a better combination of textures and colors if you had tried. I love the way the punched flowers are there but not there. What you have here is just super gorgeous. I love that beautiful face. This one is a winner!

  3. You have done a wonderful job. Congratulation!

  4. wow, wonderful textures and layers, its turned out wonderfully. Happy PPF, Annette x

  5. I think she's beautiful!!

  6. Lovely, lovely! I love the textures, especially the flowers. I love how you painted over some and also incorporated some more visible ones in the girls hair.

    Happy PPF!

  7. This is beautiful! I love how the girl has those flower details - they add such interest.


  8. It is stunning, Carola! Gorgeous texture and lovely warm colours

  9. Hi Carola. Your work is very colorful and lots of texture. Great job. Outstanding job. Oh about gardening, yes it is one of the most heart felt activities around here. We really get into it and are awarded fruitfully.:) Have a great weekend. Very nice work.

  10. Nice painting over your original and the texture works beautifully. Happy PPF

  11. This is so beautiful - I love it!

  12. Wow. Determination - amply rewarded. The new painting is moody, gentle and beautiful.

  13. Lovely and unique. This makes very interesting layers and textures in your painting

  14. Great work! It's always so nice to finally be happy with something you were not happy about, isn't it!

  15. Hello Carola, Your new spring painting is very delightful and lovely. I love the wee flower around and the wee birdie and heart. Such a very lovely and creative painting. You are a very talented lady. I could never paint even if I tried. Hugs Judy

  16. I love this painting! I so admire artists that work with mixed media, I wouldn't even know where to begin or where to go with it but you have done an exceptional job with turning this into a gorgeous piece of art!

  17. Awesome textures! Love the sweet colors and the romantic, feminine feeling! <3

  18. I think it's a brave thing to do when you "repaint" the painting that you wasn't pleased about and I love the result.

  19. I also like all the flowers Great idea to turn the canvas HPPF Dxx

  20. Good work!! I have done this with a couple of my paintings. If something isn't talking to me, a complete make over it is ;o) Hope you're having a great weekend ;o)

  21. The ultimate recycling! and she is a lovely girl...I really like the texture created by painting over all the tiny flowers. happy PPF!

  22. she is beautiful! i love how a painting can be transformed layer by layer until it is just right. i love the texture those flowers gave this piece too! :)

  23. Thanks for the close ups so we could enjoy some of the details and textures... looks wonderful ... sorry I am late getting here for PPF but figuring I am just extending the fun... well that is my excuse and I am sticking to it ...xx

  24. Oh she is so beautiful. The texture is lovely, the salvaged pieces bit are so lovely too!! Good job...very romantic sweet painting!!

    Hugs Giggles

  25. I love that you reused something older of yours that you weren't in love with. That's awesome. It's really interesting how now, the flowers play mind games and they look like they're recessed, but then sometimes they look like they protruding from the painting. My eyes couldn't make up their mind! I love the girl though. She is great!

  26. Wow this is fantastic!!!! I really like the process of this art piece. Wonderful!!!

  27. I think it's awesome that you can completely change a painting and create something totally different using some same elements and make it look so charming as this!

  28. I really like this painting- the colors, the texture and the look. She seems to be pondering on something, thinking wishfully perhaps. Nice.

  29. So exciting and impressive to witness your process here. Especially love what looks like embossed flowers. And such a lovely face!!!

  30. This is so lovely - I also really like the texture you created by painting-on-painting:) Wonderful color!

  31. I think she is lovely. The colors and the textures are wonderful. I especially love her beautiful eyes.

  32. I like the way she turned out in the end! I think it is good to take the step of painting over something you don't feel good about and create something new, yet using some elements that are in there already.

    I'm visiting from PPF


  33. This may be one of your best (for me) thus far, Carola. Isn't it amazing how you could come back to it and resurrect it into something you really like!

  34. Hallo Carola, schön, dass Du immer mal wieder bei mir vorbeischaust. Darüber freue ich mich sehr. Dein Mixed Media Bild finde ich wunderschön und absolut gelungen. Hast Du ein oder zwei Tipps für mich (per Mail) für Etsy. Ich hatte einen Shop angefangen, stecke aber irgendwie total fest. Viele liebe Grüße Synnöve

  35. I agree with others here, the underlying texture in this is so interesting. I applaud you for making "a silk purse out of a sow's ear" as my Granny would have said.



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