
Friday, March 15, 2013

When Life Gives You Lemons...

This year I am also participating in Kim Klassen's yearlong "Beyond Beyond" class. As usual, I am way behind and I pick the "lessons" I want to and work on them on my own pace.

One of the first assignments was to chose an object and then photograph it from different angles, with different aperture etc. and then make a collage out of it (at least this is the way I remember it).

I chose this object:

Then I took my camera and walked around that little stool with the bowl of lemons and took quite some shots. The ones I liked best I assembled into this collage.

The picture in the top right corner was taken with the sun behind it - not very good, but I like the atmosphere the different light is creating. I also favorite those picture with the smaller aperture - 7 instead of 11 - when the field of depth got smaller and thus the background is more blurry. The colors turn out warmer as well. Here's an example:

Av 7 - the background is quite detailed and the lemons' color is rather cool and "white"

Av 11 - the background is blurry and the color of the lemons is warmer

Of course I love the close-ups - who wouldn't like a beautiful lemon like this one?

So, when life gives you lemons... take pictures!


  1. Fabulous, Carola!
    I love your attitude, and the warm colors of your lemon photos. Delightful.

  2. Lemons are beautiful, versatile and very useful.
    They also come in handy for a photography lesson!
    As ably demonstrated here!

  3. I love these photos Carola. Great pictures and practice. What type camera do you have? Love the collage and it sounds like an interesting class. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Those lemons are picture-perfect! A great subject for a project. That last close up is just lovely!

  5. Simply beautiful. And a much better use of the fruit than making lemonaide which I have always thought was overrated. Thank you so much.

  6. These are great. I'm behind in several classes myself,but Im keeping up in my iphone photography class.

  7. Hello Carola, Wow what great photos. They are all unique. I need to take a class to learn how to take better photos too. The lemons look very very good one would like to pick it up and smell it. I am in the Easter Mode maybe that will bring better weather. Hugs Judy

  8. These are beautiful!lemons just make you feel good looking at them!

  9. Hi Carola,
    Kim Klassen is the best! Your lemon photographs are so bright and cheerful.
    P.S. I've nominated you for the Liebster blogging award and hope you'd like to participate.
    Happy Weekend,

  10. I love the lemonade you made and shared here Carola :-)

  11. Lovely lemons, Carola! (It's all about the those golden yellows)

  12. Great pictures! It's so amazing how much light makes a difference! I love lemons! Happy St. Patrick's Day ;o)

  13. oh heavens then I scroll down further and see your birds above and then these citrus beauties....what fab shots!!! wow. You have a great eye for photography.


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