
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Photo of the Week

This week was a bit of a dilemma since I had two favorite photos out of my a-photo-a-day shots and the final decision was difficult. But when I look at it now, I'm happy. I hope you like it, too.

This was taken with a Canon Power Shot SX40HS. Although I love my DSLR, this P&S camera has an incredible tele zoom lens that is simply fantastic for moon shots and for wildlife. I still need to get used to it, but I'm learning. This picture was shot without a tripod.

However - nothing can really stand in for my Canon EOS 7D. If I had to chose, it would always be the DSLR.


  1. great photo. Thank you for sharing this and for telling us what camera you used.
    I love my Cannon DSLR and I should use it more often. I always reach for my Cannon Elph. And with the camera feature on my phone it is too easy to shoot casual shots without any thought. It's no wonder why the quality of my photos has gone down hill.

  2. Carola, that's a seriously impressive camera for a point and shoot! And this is an awesome shot.

  3. Yes beautiful is the word to describe this shot, other-worldly comes to mind, a sense of mystery and awe!

    Have a lovely week

    Sue x

  4. That is a simply stunning moon shot. Wow, wow and more wow.

  5. Beautiful moon shot. I've been looking at the moon every night. What has happened to our sunshine this morning though?


  6. Grosser Gott, stunning! To own a camera which can do this, das waere was!

  7. This is a stunning picture and without a tripod too! Quite good!

  8. Wow! You took that beautiful moon shot with a p&s camera?? Incredible!

  9. OMG, Carola. The day I take a picture of the moon anything like that, I'll be singing the Hallelujah Chorus! :)

  10. I'm so impressed that you can take that shot with your camera. It just amazing!

  11. Awesome photo of one of my favourite friends, Carola!

    Great job.


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