
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Photo that Pops

A photo that pops - color pops, is the challenge for today's Texture Tuesday. The day I read about the new challenge (last Tuesday) I had just bought some roses from Trader Joe's. I loved their color, and there was no doubt that I would take some photos of them.

After I did some hue/saturation adjustments and turned it into black and white, I brought back the red in the roses. Then I blended it with Kim's texture "februarymagic" in Difference at 42%. Another hue/saturation adjustment and I was happy how it looked.

I thought I was done with today's challenge - but when the geek and I took a walk yesterday afternoon in the neighborhood we saw a huge crowd of crows sitting in a tree. It was amazing how many birds there were - it almost felt like "The Birds" - and hey, Bodega Bay is not too far away from here! Anyway, we took pictures of the crows, and when I looked at the photos at home, I had to play around with one of them in Photoshop. This is the result:

I first did a levels adjustment and then applied Kim's texture "kim klassenpumpkin grunge" in hard light blending mode at 91%, copied it and blended in soft light at 100%, followed by one more hue/saturation adjustment. The color really pops, it's almost glowing - that's what I wanted to achieve.


  1. Both texture works are beautiful. The second one looks like a painting. Wonderful ! Best regards, Synnöve

  2. Love the texture you applied to the roses..aren't Kim's textures amazing..looks lovely!

  3. I love the crow - just striking against Kim's texture.

  4. Yes! The crow image is awesome!! Great work.

  5. Love them both...but especially the crow. Really, really great! Maybe by this spring you will have roses blooming in your own garden.

  6. The roses would be beautiful printed and framed. I love working with photos and should take more time with mine! Enjoy your week!

  7. Both so beautifully artistic...good ole' Trader Joe's...they are amazing at giving us such wonderful subjects. PS I read you blog stories about your friend, Katie. What a horrible thing to happen to this family. I am so sorry.

  8. Both photo's meet the requirement of color "pop". The crow is my favorite.


  9. Carola,
    Love what you have done to your roses! I adore that technique of B & W and then adding color. Just lovely. Happy Valentines Day!

  10. your mixed media art is fabulous! i loved both red colors. i know photoshop (and corel) a little, but never started seriously doing any art in them. you inspiring me!

  11. These photos are a real treat, I like those beautiful red roses, especially whites and textures, exquisite.

  12. Love both your images here. Those roses are gorgeous. Love that the pop of colour in the second image comes from the background. Beautifully done.

  13. Both are amazing, Carola, but you know I have a soft spot for the crows ~
    Really beautiful!

  14. Nicely done on both of them! I love the "snowy" look of the first one. And the crow/blackbird/raven silhouette is very striking.

  15. Großartige Bilder, ich bin beeindruckt. Mit der Bearbeitung von Bildern habe ich noch erhebliche Schwierigkeiten.

  16. Beautiful work!!!!The Roses are stunning!!!

  17. These are both great, but I think my favourite is the roses.

  18. FABULOUS images with texture work added, Carola. You can really be proud of yourself!


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