
Friday, January 11, 2013

The Fairy Art Mother

Since I didn't paint for quite a while, I gave myself a kick in the butt and signed up for Life Book 2013 by the amazing Tamara Laporte. Before that I did a "little" class taught by her about a Christmas painting, and I really like her style of painting AND her style of teaching. She's organized, funny and a great teacher - plus an exceptional artist. Life Book 2013 lasts for the entire year, and so far I have only done the "warm-up exercise" which was so much fun. Meet the "Fairy Art Mother":

For this painting I mainly used the Caran d'Ache watercolor crayons which have become a favorite of mine. When shortly before Christmas one of our two art supply stores sent me a 40% off coupon I didn't hesitate to get a pack of 30 of these wonderful water soluble crayons. On cold press watercolor paper they turn into brilliant colors when activated with water. So the Swiss not only make good chocolate and cheese but also fabulous art supplies.

I'm usually not someone who paints a lot of whimsical, but I think I could get more and more into it. This painting of course is very simple and I did it in one day which is quite extraordinary for me because usually I take forever. However, I enjoyed painting this one so very much that I couldn't quit it in between.

Finally, I'm linking up with Paint Party Friday again. Since I didn't paint for such a long time, I haven't participated in the party, and I'm glad to be there again. I hope I keep up! I also link up with Sneak Peek Friday at JRU studio which is another favorite site of mine. I encourage you to go and visit there and perhaps even link to their sites as well.

A lovely weekend to all of you - tomorrow is Saturday which means I will unplug again. Enjoy, everybody!


  1. Very cute, Carola! Sounds like some fun stuff in store for the new year!!

  2. Hi Carola,
    Love your fairy art mother, she looks so happy! Happy colors too! Happy PPF!

  3. So nice to see someone else from LB2013 posting! Love your FairyArtMother! See you in class...and Happy PPF!

  4. Loving your fairy art mother and all those brilliant colours. Happy PPF, Annette x

  5. Love your Fairy Art Mother!! :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  6. I love this painting. Especially the colors- so lively and bright. I wish I had more of an artsy talent. I can't do anything for the life of me. Just found your blog and I'm excited to get to know you better. Hope you don't mind if I follow along...

    newest follower :)

  7. I LOVE your colorful fairy art mother!! She's so fun!!

    Hugs Giggles

  8. Your fairy art mother told the truth as well. Your paintings do both of those things very, very well.

  9. glad to hear the Swiss make good water color pencils too. love what you say about painting it does touch the soul...

  10. Love her Carol! Will check out all of the sites you mentioned!

  11. cute your colors! have fun doing life book! i have heard great things about it. coming over from 'in the studio sneak peek'

  12. I am taking LB 2013 as well - I also needed a kick to get started painting again. Love your Fairy art mother - colorful and whimsical. Happy PPF

  13. Your paintings are always so happy ~ they simply express your joy in life.

  14. Love it! I've never heard of those crayons. They sound like fun! I'll have to get some for my daughter. She loves anything artsy.

  15. She is so sweet! I like the whimsical and her pretty, happy colors! Love the 'swiss' comment... lol!

  16. Lovely! So sweet and love the bright and luminous colors! <3

  17. I really liked your series of poppy pictures. Now this drawing is fun and pretty. You would be very good at illustrating children’s books.

  18. I really like her expression Carla...I bet she helps you paint more this year! HPPF !

  19. There is no end to your creativity, Carola!!! You amaze me. I have never heard of watercolor crayons, so that's a new one for me. I'd love to see how they work. I'm still using felt-tip pens. HA!

  20. Very cute Carola. Nice job. Lots of fun here. Thanks for sharing. Happy PPF!


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