
Friday, November 2, 2012

An Ocean, Not a Mermaid

For the longest time Kaefer had no idea what to be for Halloween. Then finally, on the Saturday before Halloween, with only four more days to go, she decided to be the ocean.

So off we went to the fabric and craft store to buy fabric, a fisherman's net and a bag of shells. On to Home Depot to get some serious rope.

After that she was busy until the morning of Halloween, hot gluing the shells to the net and the rope, making earrings and the hair accessory. She found an old skirt that we bought when she was around ten years old (and it still fits - sort of) and effectively draped the shimmering fabric around her. It needed some safety pins and I had to knot her into the net, but in the end, it all came together beautifully and she turned into a pretty merm... uh, ocean.

She used some ribbon out of my stash for making the hair clip and then hot glued the seastar on top of it.

She loves to make earrings, and these seastars (again from my stash) were created quickly.

A close-up of the fisherman's net with all the shells she glued on.

I think she did a really good job!


  1. how original and beautiful :) lovely tribute to all the oceans on Earth. she did a great job indeed. xxo

  2. Your daughter is beautiful, and I love her creative costume. Henry dressed up this year, but Clara did not.

  3. Beautiful. I don't know many mermaids, but I love oceans!

  4. Better than a good job. The creativity and the skills to go with it are amazing. She looks brilliant.

  5. Du kannst echt stolz auf deine Tochter sein! Als Meerjungfrau würde sie aber auch ein hübsches Bild abgeben. Echt toll, wie sie ihr Kostüm dekoriert hat.


  6. Carola, your daughter is lovely and just as clever and creative as her mother. Her costume is beautiful!

  7. Her costume is both inventive and lovely but not nearly as lovely as she is! I hope that she had a wonderful time.

  8. She looks like a lovely mermaid.

  9. I think she did a FABULOUS job, Carola. And you can tell her I said that! :) (You did, too, of course.)

  10. What an original idea and she carried it out so well. She looks lovely as the Ocean.


  11. Oh, Carola, I love this soooo much!! I am totally LAME when it comes to Halloween costumes... in fact, this year, we purposely set up another event so we wouldn't have to go to the party we normally go to and make yet another costume (shhhh... don't tell!)I know - pathetic or maybe we are just getting old, but I do love that idea. Maybe next year, I will have to do my own version of the ocean since it is so near and dear to my heart too!! Kudos to Kaefer!!!

  12. Moments to treasure for sure, you and your little mermaid!

    Bless you. x


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