
Friday, October 5, 2012

Three Mermaids

For some time, a mermaid was wandering through my mind, with long beautiful hair and a bit of a melancholic expression on her face. I wanted to paint her, but as usual I felt a bit intimidated, thinking I can't do it.

So in order to get things started I thought I just do a sketch first, for my eyes only. I got the idea while reading "Daring Adventures in Paint" by Mati Rose McDonough (highly recommended). Mati Rose writes about making a sketch first and then transferring it to whatever you want to paint on. I was hoping that this would take away some of the fears I had - and it did.

So I first made a rough sketch of a mermaid - just drew it on regular computer paper (this is how I use up paper that is printed only on one side).

Then I transferred it into my art journal. I didn't transfer the face features, I wanted to create a new face because I didn't really like the sketched face. The background in my art journal is painted with acrylic paint, and the mermaid is mainly made by using watercolor pencils, watercolor crayons and pastels.

Finally the mermaid turned into a "real" mixed media painting on a wood panel. As you can see I used the same sketch, but attempted a different face, this one being my favorite. I think she has the slightly melancholic expression I wanted to achieve. Her mermaid tail is at a different angle and looks much more natural. Again, the background is painted with acrylic paints over torn book pages and the mermaid is created with watercolor pencils, watercolor crayons and pastels. All in all I am quite happy how this painting turned out.  It made its way into my Etsy store.

If you want to see more great paintings please check out Paint Party Friday for a gathering of wonderfully talented artists.


  1. Love the dots, and the newspaper background.

  2. Sweet mermaids, nice composition!! Well done!!Great colors too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. Thank you for sharing the process Carola, your canvas turned out beautifully. Happy PPF, Annette x

  4. She's so sweet!! I love her face! Great colors too!! HPPF!

  5. Such talent. And mermaids are one of the things (like dragons and unicorns) that I firmly believe should exist. Thank you for this - I really, really loved the journey to this finishing line.

  6. Great colors and textures!
    Loving the transparent layers in these!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  7. How wonderful to see your progression to your final painting! Well done!

  8. Fantastic, congratulations. I am greeting

  9. Your mermaids are wonderful. i love the idea that you gave yourself some freedom with the faces. What a great idea to transfer a successful drawing, but allow the faces to be unique to each. Lovely work. Happy PPF

  10. Sweet, love especially the last one, fabulous and mysterious feeling! HPPF!

  11. Wow! So creative and beautiful! Love your work.

  12. How clever of you taking so many steps to the final creative piece. She is a delight! Have a swimmingly smooth weekend, Carola!

  13. Awesome work Carola! She is a beauty and I love the mixed media!

  14. Hmmm, sketching out an idea instead of diving in unprepared and then being disappointed with the results. I think you may have discovered a brilliant new technique that I should try. It clearly worked for you and this mermaid.

  15. I love the transformation of the mermaid through the three phases and love the wood panel with the ginger hair best.
    Please can you resend me your snail mail addy as I don't know where I've put my list for the blog candy and I'm not sure if the details in my phone are for your old address. The blog candy is all ready to go so as soon as I get your info it will be winging it's way to you. Hope you like it too!
    Love Jo x

  16. You are just too much, Carola. Your creativity tickles me to death!


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