
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Look Up - Texture Tuesday

This week we "look up" at Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday. I took a photo of the Navajo Trail in Bryce Canyon National Park I posted here a few weeks ago, but this time it looks a bit different.

Here's the "recipe":
- Levels and hue/saturation adjustment
- new layer
- gradient map, turn to black and white
- layer mask, brush back the red color of the rock by using the brush tool
- "kk_elevate" in blending mode multiply at 100%

I love black and white images with some color. Wonderful to play around with.
What about you? Do you like black and white pictures?


  1. The perspective & the dark trees against the warm colors of the rock / cliff is very impressive! I am a novice with B&W - hoping that I makes some progress with "learning by doing".

  2. Wow, das ist eine interessante Aufnahme.

    LG Biggi

  3. Wow, wow, wow! You must have been in the bottom of a canyon. Spectacular shot and nice processing.

  4. Yes, I love black & white photos with some color in them ... in fact I used to do that a lot and haven't for a long time. Thanks for reminding me how cool they are. Love your picture ... would never have thought of doing it that way ... very clever :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  5. Carola I love this edit! So fun and I love the combination of color and black and white!

  6. Gorgeous "looking up" shot, Carola. Your art is reaching new heights all the time. Wonderful to see.
    And, to answer your question: Some of my favorite photos of all time are black and white images.

  7. Beautiful photograph, I like such views. I am greeting

  8. Carola, I do like black and white for certain images, but I always have trouble letting the color go... has to be just the right image. And I do like the combination!


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