
Friday, August 24, 2012

A Church in the Cotswolds

The Cotswolds - or Cotswold Hills - is my favorite area in England - I love the hilly landscape, the quaint little villages, the honey colored walls, the sheep, the winding back roads... It's a scenic area.

This little church I found in the tiny village of Upper Slaughter. It looks like a front door to a regular house - see the door bell and the slit for the mail? - but it was at the side of the church. Perhaps this is where the vicar resides? Or has his office? Who knows?


  1. what a wonderful place. I love how the roses frame the door. Kust beautiful!

  2. Georgous...I so want to be there. I love the texture you used.

  3. Gorgeous. We didn't make it to Upper Slaughter, but it was one of the places we definitely considered. Maybe next time.

  4. beautiful - the flowers around the door are just perfect

  5. A beautiful photo! I too love that honey coloured stone and rolling hills

  6. Ein wunderbar romantisches Foto: eine alte Kirche mit Rosen und anderen Blumen davor. Allerliebst !


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