
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Family Fun Faces

In one of my last posts I mentioned that I'm taking a class by Carla Sonheim about drawing and painting faces. "Faces 101" has turned out to be a real fun class. Carla is so nice to make the worksheets available for the entire family, and Kaefer and I completed some of the assignments together. We laughed a lot while doing this. Later, the geek also joined us, but he asked me NOT to post his drawings. The first day of the class turned into a real family fun activity.

First Kaefer and I did some blind drawing on a "warm-up" worksheet. Then we got into the more serious stuff. We had to draw each other using our non-dominant hand.

My drawing of Kaefer:

Kaefer's drawing of me - simply charming, right? 

Then we both drew the geek. Here's Kaefer's take: 

and here's mine (he doesn't even look close in both drawings): 

After all this was accomplished the next assignment was to paint eight faces with watercolor. Kaefer skipped this one, but I again had tons of fun. These two are my favorites: 



  1. I'm enjoying the class, too. I really want to do more of the watercolor faces.

  2. Da hätte ich auch Spaß gehabt. Die Zeichnungen sind 'knorke'. Echt spitze.

    LG Biggi

  3. Sounds like a great afternoon! Happy New Year x

  4. Sounds like you all had a lot of fun.
    I have her book which me and my son love to do pages from together, it is lots of fun and very Freeing.

    Micki x

  5. drawing with a non-dominant hand... that would be difficult & faces --- whoa! but, what a great family activity. Watercolor faces are adorable.

  6. Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass ihr viel Spaß dabei hattet :) Gesichter zu zeichnen ist wohl das schwerste überhaupt, Hut ab.
    Die tanzende Frau auf dem Kalender ist ein Stempel, er ist von Art Journey NL.

  7. Every time I see that last image, Carola, I laugh out loud. I love all this creativity from both you and Kaefer. :)


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