
Friday, December 30, 2011

Practicing Faces

Painting faces has always been a challenge for me. They never turned out the way I imagined them, the eyes were crooked, the entire face was crooked, and the girls either looked totally grumpy or as if they were ready to burst into tears. Everything was just off.

So I started to practice, practice, practice. And eventually, my faces got better. There are no perfect faces, but I think they got some character now that is other than grumpy or sad. I still want to achieve more expression in their faces, but for the time being I see improvement and that alone makes me happy.

I'm doing an online class next week, "Faces 101" with Carla Sonheim - I'm pretty sure it will be a good one.

After many weeks of absence (and very little painting) I'm linking this to Paint Party Friday. I'm so glad to be back in this group of wonderful artists. Please check them out!


  1. very cool ! this first one could be me (minus the wrinkles I have developed) I like the hair blowing in the breeze


  2. Faces are challenging! Looks like you're making wonderful progress! ~Happy Paint Party Friday! #2 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  3. I was always terrified of faces.. until I took a class by Suzi Blu and became addicted! Suzi began by showing us proportions of the face - a ruler comes in very handy - and then working on shading to shape the features. There is something truly magical about watching a person come to life in front of you on the page. Enjoy your class - can't wait to watch you improve week by week.

    I love the hair on the top girl - she looks like she's getting some fresh air to her lungs on top of a cliff somewhere!

  4. Good for you. These are fab. I am no good at people, unless I draw them as silhouettes or from the back! If I wasn't back to work soon I'd join you

  5. Hi Carola! I think all these faces are very good. They all have their won personality. Very nicely done. I hope the year has been good for you and I wish you a very Happy New Year and much more wonderful days. Take care and keep up the great work.

  6. Könnte Nr. 2 ein Selbstbildnis sein. Ähnelt zumindest deinem Blogavatar *g*. Aber mir gefallen alle 3.

    Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr und alle Liebe und Gute, Gesundheit und Zufriedenheit in 2012 wünscht dir Biggi

  7. Your faces look great! I am struggling to learn faces - but I need to get it in gear and practice more - lots more. I loved Carla's last class so I am sure her faces will rock!

  8. I'm sure Carola's class will be fun and will let you go with the flow (I love her work and teaching style... Although I didn't take her 101 faces course).
    My 2c. - relax and don't paint faces... I mean thinking about faces when you paint faces. Painting is about colors, so just observe what color is where... and paint! The 'mistakes' people make are: 'oh, I see the eye. The eye looks like this (what I saw in one of the art books)' etc. So, find 'fields' of colors on the faces and you won't struggle with them anymore. Hope that helps :). Enjoy in the practicing!

  9. I love the first and the third. I've just gotten comfortable with the basic structure of a face, and I'm really looking forward to the class. Hair perplexes me, and I love how you did the hair on all of these.

  10. The one great thing about faces is that each one is different and individual. Yours have whimsy and character. Very nice.
    Happy 2012

  11. wonderful to see your faces... your gals.

    lovely 2012 to you~

  12. The most difficult art of all I think, faces

  13. Happy New Year, I wonder what the faces of 2012 will look like? Will just have to wait and see!

    Sue x

  14. I think we all love to paint faces. It feels so good to see progress in learning to paint them, doesn't it?
    Hope you enjoy Carla's class, and paint lots and lots of great portraits.

  15. This is deligtful, Carola. Each face here has her own personality, so you have clearly done something right!

  16. I love the 3rd one especially. I think painting faces is difficult. I dont have any trouble drawing them. Looks like you're on the right track to me. Faye

  17. I mostly sketch faces not paint them but I understand what you mean about the difficulty of getting the expression you want. Looks like you are going in the direction you want to go.


  18. What fun faces! I haven't tried painting faces - mostly sketching them so far.

    Hope you have a fabulously creative 2012, Carola!


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