
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cookie Recipes

After I had posted about baking cookies, several of you have asked whether I would share the recipes - of course I would. I have to warn you, though - since these cookie recipes are from Germany, the measurement is metric. You can get the packs of vanilla sugar at some grocery stores (they usually come in six packs) or at Cost Plus World Market. Hopefully that works for you.

The MIL cookies (mother-in-law cookies)

You will need:

375 g flour
125 g marzipan
30 g cocoa
250 g sugar
1 pack vanilla sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
2 eggs
250 g butter
250 g almond meal (Trader Joe's works perfectly)

Mix all the ingredients together and knead a dough. Roll in logs. Cool in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Slice the log(s) in quarter inch slices and bake at 350 F for 25 to 30 minutes.

Vanillekipferl (vanilla crescents)

You will need:

200 g flour
80 g sugar
2 packs vanilla sugar
50 g almond meal
125 g cold butter
1 egg
60 g powdered sugar

Mix all the ingredients except for the powdered sugar together and knead a dough. Cover the dough and cool in the fridge for approx. one hour. Roll the dough into thin logs and cut in ca. 7 cm (3 inches) long pieces. Shape into crescents and bake at 350 F for 15 minutes. When out of the oven put them face down in the powdered sugar when still hot (the flavor is even better if you mix a pack of vanilla sugar with the powdered sugar). Let cool.



  1. Thank you so much! I will enjoy having a go at these in time for new year x

  2. Canadians are supposed to be able to cook in metric, but I was born unmathematical and could never make the transition from cups and ounces, even though our measuring instruments come in both.
    I still love the look of those vanilla crescents. Maybe I'll save this page. LOL
    If I haven't already said Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, please consider it said again!

  3. sharing cookies and cheer is what happiness is all about. yum and thanks!

  4. I am not making any cookies this year but if I were I would definately be trying these...they sound delicious! Merry Christmas

  5. These cookies look absolutely delicious!!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a wonderful comment :)

  6. Marzipan...WOW! I love that. I'm going to have to check this one out..thank-you!

  7. Oh, these look sooooo yummy..... don't think it is going to happen over here though. Happiest of holidays to you, Carola!!

  8. Die sehen ja lecker aus! Vanillekipferl zählen auch zu meinen Lieblingsplätzchen.
    Ich wünsche dir ein wunderbares Weihnachtsfest liebe Carola!


  9. These look delicious. Do you make Stolen? I usually do, but couldn't this year. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  10. Marzipan is always a favourite ingredient of mine, I will give it a try coming back home :-)

  11. My mom made those almond cookies in the second photo and I can about taste the memory.


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