
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Another Morning Walk

Jo and I had another one of our early morning walks yesterday. There was no fog and the light of the morning sun was just beautiful and warm.

It takes less than an hour to walk around the lake, but we always stop and watch birds, I take pictures, we talk to the people - it's more like 90 minutes for us. We talk a lot during those walks as well - most times it's about our kids (she has a daughter in Kaefer's age), the school but also life in general, friends and sometimes politics - then we vent like mad.

But most we enjoy the nature around us.

The color of these leaves was stunning - and I guess most of them will be gone when we walk here the next time.

Of course we watched birds -

this snowy egret

a black crowned night heron, exactly at the same place where we discovered him (her?) last time

this cute kingfisher whom we heard first before we saw him (their call is very distinct)

and a downy woodpecker who chipped away happily.

I love Friday mornings with Jo, walking around the lake.
One of my favorite 90 minutes during the week.

BTW, most of these photos are SOOC - the light was so gorgeous that they didn't need any post-processing. I only cropped a few of them.


  1. I enjoyed your walk! The colors and light really are so lovely!

  2. what a great morning walk it must have been

  3. Snap, we walked around our smaller versions, the five little ponds and two larger ones. I particularly like the snowy egret reflection, the deep blue/black mingled water colours show the bird off a treat! Sometimes I have uploaded my pics for a clearer/enhanced result, then I press undo because they just seem to lose something! Most times for me SOOC works best.

    Sue x

  4. What a beautiful place to take a morning walk. Love all of your little bird captures!

  5. oh! Carola-I wish I were there with you...going on a morning walk!! Your pics are just looks so serene and earthy. I hope you are doing well. thanks for all your very heartfelt comments on my blog lately. I am still going to write you that e-mail...we are moving out of state in less than 3 weeks and things are super crazy busy. But...I hope you are doing well and spending time with all that makes you happy:) xxx

  6. Oh, was für schöne Fotos und dann bei diesem tollen Wetter. Wir haben jetzt im Dezember leider das Wetter, von welchem wir im November verschont geblieben sind. Grau und Regen... naja, der Garten braucht Wasser. Was kümmert die Natur da meine Sehnsucht nach Sonne ;)

  7. Oh Carola - I have so missed visiting your wonderful blog. I love the beautiful photographs, creative art, and wonderful words. You have inspired me greatly to pursue my own creative outlets and I hope to share some of that on my blog next year.

    I hope you have a GREAT week!

  8. Carola, I really enjoy your bird photos. I can seldom catch them with my lens - as soon as I start to aim the camera, they flit away!

  9. What an amazing place for a walk. So much beauty all around.

  10. How lovely to be walking surrounded by such beauty :-)

  11. Your walk around the lake is like mine around our citadel city center, Carola. I don't have a friend to walk with me during the week...just Astrid on the weekends. But I can imagine how much you love this time. I especially love that textbook woodpecker!

  12. i haven't been by your beautiful blog of late, so this morning, i was totally treated by early morning, leaves, mists, and a freezing cold germany! you always fill my senses with wonder.

    thank you.

  13. Morning walks are the best aren't they? And they are free! I don't have a walking partner, wish I did.


  14. Lucky you to have such a beautiful place to walk and a great friend to share it with! I hope you know how lucky you are! The bird shots are fab - I don't have the patience to wait for them to settle. The scenery is just gorgeous and your eye for a good shot is just spot on!

  15. Gorgeous photos!! Thanks for sharing your walk ;).


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