
Friday, November 18, 2011


A week ago a friend of mine brought me some roses, rosehips and hydrangea beautifully put together. I was so touched by this little gesture, that I wanted to keep it forever and therefore took a whole bunch of pictures. When I looked at the photos on my computer I thought that it must be a lot of fun to play with them - and so I did, using my favorite technique which is adding texture.

Here's the "recipe":

levels adjustment
hue/saturation adjustment
Bonnie's texture "Bonjour ma douce", darker color at 100%
Bonnie's texture "Dersert Canvas", saturation at 100%
hue/saturation adjustment
levels adjustment.

I like the monochromatic look of it - first time that I try this.
I'm linking this to Photo Art Friday, which always challenges me to try something new. It's a good challenge.
This is also today's Art Every Day Month.


  1. that was a beautiful gift; I can imagine the delight you felt when it was given. Your texture changes have made such a pretty picture

  2. What a beautiful bouquet and a great friend. Love what you did with the photo.

  3. What a beautiful bouquet from a great friend! Love what you did with your photo.

  4. Hey Carola, how beautiful! and what a nice friend. You're doing great things with textures on your photos, too.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Beautiful! I love the colors and textures you used. This would look fantastic on a wall.

  6. Wow! When I saw the thumbnail I thought it was a painting. You have captured the elements beautifully and added some fabulous texture. I love it!

  7. Photo art is a wonderful way to keep the memory of perishable gifts. What a great job you have done! I tend to favour monochromatic colour schemes - so love the editing you have done here. Thank you so much for sharing your work with Photo Art Friday Carola!

  8. This is lovely. The color is just gorgeous!

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  9. what a gorgeous creation, will give it a try sometime

  10. very lovely arrangement and therefore composition. excellent texturing making the real thing even lovelier. thank you. kareninkenai (from PAF)

  11. Beautiful picture, nice colors.

  12. Gorgeous! I love that you give the formula too!

  13. You played around really well. I like it! The color is fantastic and I adore textures too!
    Isn't it great that you can capture the wonderful gift for-ever - that's why I like photography so much.

  14. You've created a true masterpiece out of these flowers. And - I'm going to have to check out these textures. Wonderful!

  15. Daer Carola-I just LOVE LOVE LOVE everything about this!!! The roses, the gesture on behalf of your friend and all the cool and funcky stuff you did to the pic. It's quite beyong my digital abilities to understand right now:)
    P.S. I did not forget about the e-mail I am going to write you...we are sick over here + lots of packing and UGH!! xxx

  16. Gobsmacked...a good word for this, Carola!

  17. Großartige Arbeit mit den Texturen von Bonnie. Sehr schöne gedeckte Rottöne. Wunderbar !

  18. I really like the color tones you achieved. Beautiful.


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