
Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Hello and welcome to "What's on your worktable Wednesday" created by the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Every Wednesday more than 100 people show to the world what is on their worktable (and sometimes the worktable doesn't have to be a table actually).

Well, today this is on my table:

which in itself doesn't make much sense.
We need the second picture:

We're having a garage sale this Saturday and I'm currently pricing all the craft and scrapbooking supplies that I have sorted out and hope to sell. Kaefer has gone through all her stuff and hopes to sell quite a lot. Even her old bike will go (hopefully). Honestly, I can't wait to see the stuff go and have more room to actually move around. I'm so tired of all the clutter. Everything that doesn't sell will go to the thrift store on Monday.

Wish me luck!


  1. Ah Carola, I envy your ability to clear stuff out... I always have this dreadful feeling that I will want whatever it was I sold/gave/threw away the following week...

  2. Oh...good luck! Looks like you'll do just fine there with all those goodies! Thanks for the visit :D

  3. Good luck with the sale hope all goes well.
    Have happy wedensday and creative week
    hugs judex10

  4. Good luck with the garage sale. We are in the process of declutter ... it got a little addictive, especially the selling bit!! Might have gone a little too far LOL!
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx

  5. Oh wow, Carola! I would LOVE to go through those boxes of goodies. They look like such fun and lots of interesting things, too. Here's wishing you luck with the sale.

  6. Good luck with your sale, I love having a good old rummage around other peoples unwanteds.
    Helen x

  7. ohooo good luck with your garage sale, I'd be there, if I could!
    Happy WOYWW

  8. I wish you luck,

    I am off to France in a couple of weeks and I hope to pick up some hard copy stuff to send to you with our exchange as I'm sure you don't get back to Europe as often as you might like...I have been stupid busy bit have been watching your images as you post. You really do post some marvelous photos...


  9. Good luck with your garage sale.... I think I need a de-clutter too, but it won't happen!

  10. Oh well done to you and yours for having a sort out - hope you manage to sell lots of it before taking the rest to the charity shop! Decluttering is good for the soul, I love doing it and am quite ruthless about recycling stuff that I no longer use - it's a feelgood vibe!!

  11. Happy WOYWW, good luck with the sale!

    xoxo Marjo #36

  12. I'm wishing you luck, I had a cathartic cleansing this last week, emotional clutter was released with some of my art bits and bobs that no longer serve me!

    Sue x

  13. Thanks for sharing your space this week, I always enjoy visiting and hope you have a fabulous rest of the week. Enjoy the garage sale

  14. Wish I lived close by so I could have a runmmage ...not that I dont have enough clutter myself. Good Luck with the sale. xx

  15. Good luck with the sale hope it all goes well !

  16. Good luck with the garage sale. I often think I should hold one but don't have the patience for it. I do like to go to them tho.


  17. Good luck with the sale - I would come if it wasn't the other side of the world ha ha. Your box of sale items looks very interesting

  18. I've seen several blogs I follow participate in this roundup - it's fun to see how/where folks work and what's going on. I might join in - looks so interesting.

    Love your photos from fall in Germany! Some of those lake reflections shots are just stunning! Thanks for sharing them!

  19. whoohooo...a garage sale! You are very organized! Hope your sale is a success! Pop Art Minis

  20. Good luck for the sale have a happy Wednesday! Mel (43)

  21. Good luck with the sale, don't think I could bear to part with any of my stuff, lol, so I just keep adding to it!!

    Brenda 88

  22. Hope you sell everything!
    Happy WOYWW

  23. Oh my goodness I'd go crazy at your garage sale!!!!

  24. Looks like there are going to be some happy people after they've visited your garage. Hope you make loadsamoney for all your efforts.
    Love JoZarty x

  25. We don't have garage sales here in Scotland - well, none that I've ever heard off - but we do have car boot (trunk) sales and they are a great place for picking up bargains. I got some great wood-mounted stamps recently and the little shelf set that I had a great time altering. It's good to get rid of the clutter - there's always somebody like me willing to take it off your hands :) Elizabeth x #125


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