
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Process of Elimination

Many of you know how much I like to read Kat's blog The Kat Eye View of the World. At the moment she writes about a very interesting topic, the process of elimination. I use this a lot - either while I'm taking photos or afterwards with the help of Photoshop.

Here are a few examples, all taken in the port of Brookings, Oregon.

I really loved the colors of the buoys on this boat, but there was no way that I could get closer. So I took a picture of the boat...

and then cropped it until only the buoys were left.

Same here - I really liked the crab cage, the way it sat on the pier and was reflected in the water:

By cropping closely I also was able to eliminate the other more distracting reflections and the rope:

Or here, where it was the color again that caught my eyes, but it was too far away. I was able to crop out the blue house, and then I used the wonderful tools of Photoshop to get rid of the poles:

However, I got close enough to this boat, the "Earl Green"...

to get a close up of this detail...

and to get a closer look at the texture of the boat's paint:

If you want to see what other photographers did you can follow the link here.


  1. Absolutely fantastic, Carola. It really does make a difference! :)

  2. Love your cropping and process of elimination action!

  3. Hey Carola ~ crop tool, my favorite!!
    love the colors and textures of the boat, gorgeous! Great post.

  4. What a great lesson on photography. I really appreciated this tip. I love all of your cropped photos, they really make a splendid impact.

  5. I'm a major cropper too. I am amazed at how many photos I have that are similiar to yours...we like the same things. My "sea" photos are mostly from the SF Hyde St Pier.

  6. Your photo's are always amazing. It was fun to see how you crop the originals.


  7. Such great examples Carola - and you managed to work in a crab pot! I'm so excited! I love all of the colors and textures you found, that's one of the beauties of the Oregon Coast. You were really able to bring the focus to them with your process of elimination. Thanks so much for linking in!

  8. Gorgeous photos, Carola! I wish I could capture those momnents like you do!

  9. Beautiful examples Carola!! These are all lovely!

  10. What a thought provoking post, and I love your examples. Thanks so much for sharing.

  11. Great job. I love the color of the buoys and the cropping you did.

  12. Amazing photos! The cropping makes such an impact! I love all your photos!
    xoxo Karen


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