
Monday, September 12, 2011

Made in Germany 25 - Warm September Light

September is one of the most beautiful months in Germany. The weather usually is relatively stable with warm and golden Indian summer days. The days are noticeably shorter, the light is not as harsh as during summer. Fields seem to be golden - like this one in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. This East German state still has vast fields and a huge proportion of agriculture. Its beauty always warms my heart.



  1. Fabulous light. I have noticed in the last week some great evening light here in Scotland - need to organise to be out with my camera then

  2. Your post has warmed my heart, we connect through golden thoughts, this could be the field next to my cottage!

    Have a lovely week!

    Sue x

  3. Beautiful. This photo has a kind of abstract quality to it.


  4. Ohh what a gorgeous photograph, I love September here in the UK too, i am sure its very similar to Germany.
    thanks for sharing the beauty
    have a wonderful day my lovely friend
    hugs June xxxx

  5. I just love looking at your photographs...
    and I like the dancing ghosts too!

  6. What beautiful light. I love the way that the crop is rolled...I remember seeing that and found it fascinating. So pretty.

  7. September has always been one of my favorite months wherever I've lived. This photo is absolutely gorgeous. I love that light!

  8. Yes - gorgeous color and light in this. Magical!!

  9. Such a gorgeous field and light! Are you finding you are missing Germany more as you do this series? I can barely look at my Italy photos right now, for the missing of the place.


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