
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Autumn Splendor

I'm late this week for Inspiration Avenue's challenge, "Autumn Splendor". At first, of course, I thought about all the wonderful colors that autumn presents to us, like this crape myrtle in front of our house.
Or this beautiful sedum "Autumn Joy" in my backyard:

I thought of turning leaves, all those earthy colors.
But then I also thought of another side of autumn, the one that sets our table. I didn't have to get any further than into my backyard to find a richly set table.





Japanese eggplant...

our "volunteer" corn...

... and apples.

We also have a plum tree that this year was more than full with fruit. My friend Jo picked all of them, brought a whole lot to the food bank and made jam out of the rest.




  1. the one thing I miss most is a veggie garden. Now that I live in the woods I can't grow veggies....not enough sunlight.
    The color of your eggplant is gorgeous

  2. Oh, I so envy people who can grow things.
    I have a friend in British Columbia, named Carola, who is a fabulous gardener. She keeps e-mailing all her old school friends about what they just picked and cooked and ate.
    But volunteer corn? I've never heard of such a thing, probably because I'm in Canada and you're in California.
    Beautiful photos.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. You have a glorious yard! So many beautiful colors, plants, fruits, and veggies. So much abundance, too. I'm impressed with all these photos and your bounty you have shared. It's obvious you didn't suffer a hot, dry summer.

  4. Your pears and apples look a lot like ours! We didn't plant pumpkins, but I did see them starting to pop up in our local fields.

  5. Such beautiful fall colors... and the jam is making me hungry! Thank you for sharing such lovely images with us this morning.

  6. My your garden has been so bountiful! The pears and the apples would make lovely framed pictures put together on a wall. So pretty!

  7. Carola...oh my..quite a fabulous post..a truly beautiful tribute to autumn and harvest! gorgeous!

  8. You have all this growing in your garden?? WOW!! Such wonderful and colorful autumn bounty!!!

  9. What a wonderful garden! You have captured autumn and will delight in the harvest. Gorgeous representation of the joys of the fall. Cheers! ps: that plum jam looks delicious!

  10. Oh I love your piece and the ones below. These are awesome pictures and love the colors. Each one I loved and then I would get to the next and be WOW.. I love autumn and you have captured it beautifully! And thank you for your comments on mine, I appreciate the support. Take Care, Amanda

  11. Fabulous images of your garden...what color!!!

  12. oh your garden is more than fabulous, luscious, and tasty looking --- but it also feeds people in your community! that's awesome. i just finished Kat's latest class, and although i "lost steam" the last two weeks with the onset of work (work & more work), i loved what i learned. now to put it all to practice.
    the eggplant color is such a strong aubergine color & the pepper looks almost transparent in one spot... i can almost taste the pepper just by looking at it. yummy! peppers & hummus are my fave.

  13. Gorgeous photos that convey the challenge of Autumn Splendor so well!

  14. A excellent series to celebrate autumn splendor.

  15. You have your own farmer's market growing right in your back yard. It all looks wonderful.



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