
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Short Update on Surgery

Hello my blogging friends - see this laughing horse?

I love to laugh, but I can't do it yet - at least not in this heartfelt way. It still hurts too much.

So, I had my surgery last Friday - I arrived at the hospital at 1:30pm and shortly after 7:00pm I was already home, in my own bed. Yep, they kick you out pretty quickly in the States. Honestly, I much more prefer it this way. They took out the gallbladder including five stones, one of them really big, about 2cm, it's shiny black and looks like licorice. After the surgery the surgeon said to the Geek that I must have been sick for at least a year, if not even longer. In hindsight, it makes sense - the tiredness and fatigue, the phases of depressive mood, the low energy etc. I had simply thought it's because of menopause. Hm, obviously not.

He (the surgeon) promised that I will be like a new person when everything will be healed. I can't wait.

I still have a long way to go, and at the moment the painkillers are my best friends. I take it one baby step at a time, and during that time I won't be in blogland too much. I hope you understand.

I was so touched by all your good wishes, prayers and healing thoughts. I am convinced that they helped. You are such wonderful people and I feel blessed and grateful to have met you in this wonderland of blogosphere.

You're simply the best!


  1. Hi Carola,
    I've been on vacation and just had a chance to visit your blog...get better soon! I'm glad all went well for you. :-)

  2. Glad to see your on the mend. I remember after my c-section, we were watching the Tonight Show and I kept forgetting that it hurt to laugh. It was torture to watch. I watched anyway. :)

  3. I'm glad your surgery went well... I'll be praying for a quick and easy recovery for you!

  4. So glad you will feel better soon. My mothers husband had his gall bladder removed and now feels so so so better! Sending you lots of love! xo

  5. Just take time to recover, we will wait here for you... great to hear this update... hang in there.

  6. it is true that we only realise how ill we have been when we feel well again,

    I was talking about menopause with a friend a few days ago and we described it as Heaviness,

    to be carried, borne, survived....

    and it does seem to cloud all other things that normally we would recognise and deal with quickly and effectively,
    so take care of all your health and well being and let us know when you are up and about and raring to go again...

  7. I'm so sorry I missed your previous posts about the surgery, i've been a bad blogger lately!!

    I'm glad you got this sorted out, I had gallstones that were mis-diagnosed as irratable bowel syndrom and was in pain (serious pain) for 4 years after the birth of my daughter.
    I eventually went to a specialist and had the operation that you have just had that was 3 years ago now.

    Take care of you, go easy and rest up, it takes a while to recover but you will feel so much better when you have.


    Micki x

  8. Hi Carola,

    Just keep taking those baby steps, we'll still be here when you reach us again.

    BTW I have just received my blogging book back from the printers, I've been working on it for sometime - I'm over the moon with the results! Will be posting about it soon.

    Sue x

  9. Carola, I'm so glad you are home and all went well. Rest, take your pills and get better soon. :)

  10. Hey Carola, love this image! love that you're home healing ...
    take good care.

  11. They sent you home the same evening? Wow, at least I got kept overnight.
    You really are going to feel like a new person after a year of all that. Good for you.
    Take it easy for a while. Your blog followers will miss you, but we know where you are.
    All the best — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  12. So glad the surgery went well ...I had no idea that you could have those symptoms from gallstones.

  13. All the best for you. Glad that all went well.
    Take your time.

  14. Well, definitely something to look forward to, Carola, when you are healed!! Each day will get a little better.... don't worry about us, we will still be here when you get back and happy to hear how you are doing!!

  15. glad to hear you are on the mend... I know you are a reader, so perhaps you can get lost in a book as you mend. And, your adorable daughter is probably great company too!
    WOW! It's amazing they let you go home so quickly!
    Do take care & know we are going to be here whenever you get around to blogging!

  16. Oh, da bin ich mal eine zeitlang nicht im Blogland unterwegs und was muss ich lesen ?!
    Ich freue mich für dich, dass die OP gut verlaufen ist und ich drücke dir ganz fest die Daumen, dass du ganz schnell wieder zu Kräften kommst.

  17. Dear Carola-oh! I hope you get well soon! I had my gallbladder removed when Tara was just 8 months old! The most important thing is-don't lift anything! will feels o much better. And painkillers-thank god for them! xxx

  18. Great news! Now take it easy - we'll be waiting for you! Still more healing thoughts on your way. Ciao!

  19. So good to hear from you..and that you're healing!!! Here's to a feeling like a whole new person when it's all behind you!!!

  20. Bless you, dear Carola! And that you can post an image of this horse says more about you than anything! :) I do hope that all these days later you are feeling on the mend, ready to 'live your life' once again. But till then, pamper yourself. Let the healing take all the time it needs. We can wait for you....

  21. Hope you are continuing to recover, miss you...


  22. yikes!

    please rest more than you think you need/want to. i speak from experience. be well!

  23. Saw mention of surgery in an earlier post but didn't know what it was for. Glad you are home, have a speedy recovery and feel well again soon.



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