
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day Trip to Mendocino

On Mother's Day we went up to Mendocino, one of our favorite places along the North Coast. It's just a two hours drive from our home through the mountains on windy roads - the drive alone is very scenic.

Mendocino is a quirky artsy little town right on the headlands - when you come from the south along Highway 1 you see this row of houses - Main Street -  lined up on the cliffs. We were extremely lucky with the weather - it was sunny though windy and not really warm, but pleasant. It was almost perfect for some exploring.

First we had a delicious breakfast in this beautiful building, the MacCallum House Inn. The big whale made out of driftwood lives in their front garden.

I like its big fat grin.

Mendocino has many windmills, water towers and beautiful gardens...

...and driftwood benches.

Wouldn't it be nice to just sit here and watch the world go by?

Did I mention the gardens?

Wandering the streets of Mendocino you can find beautiful little stores and galleries.

This store sells unique clothes and handmade accessories and jewelry.

 The Ark has been in this gallery forever - I absolutely adore the little extra boat with the skunks! The artist even thought of the ladybugs.

My favorite independent bookstore.

More gardens...

Those white fences are typical for Mendocino.

Beautiful views wherever you look.

Then you go out to the headlands, but perhaps avoiding the (few) beaches, at least at high tide.

The headlands...

the beaches with all the driftwood...

the view...

This is the view of Mendocino sitting on the cliffs. It's spectacular.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to live like this!

And then we made our way back home on scenic Highway 1 along the coast. I simply love the Northern California coast in all its wildness and roughness.

But the most wonderful thing that day I got from Kaefer - this:

She had painted it for me especially for this day.

I love her so much.


  1. And she loves you so much, too, Carola. What a wonderful day and what a wonderful painting!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. LOVE these photos -- and I think my favorite is the sunny yellow chair inviting me to sit and relax a spell :)

    I have a long way to go to take such vivid images that capture the essence of place and emotion - but I am looking forward to learning the process. Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement.

  3. To begin with...I love the painting, what an amazing gift, she is so talented. Lucky you for having such a wonderful, talented daughter. And what a wonderful place to spend the holiday...I love Mendicino, I have only been there a couple of times but it is very charming and romantic.

  4. Happy Belated Mother's Day Carola. What a supremely sweet present from your daughter. Your day trip to Mendocino sounded perfect. I love coastal towns too. Thanks for your kind comment on my blog today. :-)
    Have a great week. See you on Friday for PPF. Hugs xo ~ Rhonda

  5. I'm surprised she didn't draw a camera round your neck! Wonderful painting from your obviously very talented daughter. Like mother like daughter! Happy Mother's Day.
    And thank you for the trip to the coast and Mendo, also OUR favorite place to visit for short vacations!
    We were married in Fort Bragg and honeymooned in Mendocino. I just LOVE it there too.

  6. Hi Carol, Happy Belated Mother's Day. Your photographs are beautiful & makes me want to visit Mendocino this summer. I haven't been there in so long now that I live in Central CA. I just love the coast & too would love to live somewhere closer to our coastline. I have about a 40min drive to the ocean from where we are & the nearest coastal town is Cambria. Have a lovely week. Aren't handmade gifts the best! xo Theresa

  7. Oh, your Mother's Day gift from Kaefer is so precious. Isn't it wonderful how she shares your talent. Is it all the things you love...painting, gardening and a nap? :) Your trip looks fantastic. Thanks for sharing all the pictures...I've never been there, yet.

  8. Happy Mother's Day...a bit late, Carola. I love that you have your daughter...and the CA coastline!

  9. Das sieht nach einem wunderschönen Tag aus, das Geschenk deiner Tochter ist ein Traum.


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