
Friday, May 20, 2011

Fabric Owl - Paint Party Friday

Well, I guess it had to happen - after all my visits to the family of Great Horned Owls I was inspired to do something artsy about them. So I started a small 5x5 canvas, covering it with acrylic paints and a tree. My mind was set to have a fabric owl on that canvas - this was a great excuse to go and get some fat quarters (no, I'm not a quilter, I can't even sew). I guess fat quarters make a fat owl - this one is rather round...(she probably had a lot of mice to eat).

Now my question is - how do I do the finish? Usually I just cover the entire canvas with a layer of gel medium, but I have no idea whether I can put that on top of fabric. Can anyone tell me, please? Or shall I just leave it as is?

This is my entry for Paint Party Friday which is one of my blogging highlights in the week - please visit the other talented artists, there is so much amazing work to see. It is a wonderful artful journey.


  1. Hi
    I'm visiting from Paint Party Friday (this is my first time!)
    Adorable canvas. When I incorporate fabric into artwork I tend to leave it as is but maybe there is a "proper" way.

  2. Hi Carola! Little owl came out sooo cute! I knew it would. You can get some clear gesso and paint a few coats on your fabric owl. Then after it dries, you will be able to seal the entire piece with your gel medium. Happy PPF! Hugs

  3. Well this is just adorable. Great work!

  4. This is one gorgeous owl and I love him. Happy PPF, Annette x

  5. ooh, i love the experimentation here, especially fun!!! I love owls, and yours is adorable. I like how you added the fabric, i have never worked with it before - your piece is very inspiring!!!

  6. Cute and plump! I want to put him in my pocket :) Happy PPF!

  7. Wow! How cute!!

    i have really enjoyed the photos and stories of these owls. I've been reading along but not commenting. Very exciting to be so close to the drama!

  8. Adorable owl, Carola, and you say "she" so I'm guessing you think the owlets are one boy and one girl. I'm sure they are.
    It's been such fun following their growth, and problems, with you. You're going to be so glad you have this "artsy" reminder of your owl family.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  9. Hi Carola...this is gorgeous and wonderful..inspiring piece!
    Shine on!

  10. I love how life shows up in our art and our art shows up in our life in different ways! It's a cute chubby owl. :) Happy PPF!

  11. Oh Carola - this is so cool! I love those eyes... what fun :)


  12. I can't give any advice on how to finish but I can say how much I LOVE this!!

    I treated myself to a trip to Charming Charlies today (local costume jewelry store) and when I came across all the owl jewelry I immediately thought of you :)

    Hope you have a terrific weekend!

  13. wow, a fabric owl, how beautiful!

  14. That's a great idea to use the clear gesso. I like the way it looks now, it's awesome. Looks like you had fun with it and that's what counts. Happy PPF!

  15. adorable! love the eyes!!! and background color. you know; i've never used gesso... only mod podge! so i better not make any recommendations.

  16. Such creative fabric work. Well Done!

  17. Happy PPF - I like the loose and quiet background so the fat little owl takes center stage. And I don't sew either and really like the way you've added fabric to a painting. I've done something similar in a collage and just sealed it with matte medium which seemed to work fine.

  18. I leave it how it is. Sne if these materials do not support anything else is so nice. Saludos

  19. This is beautiful! A great tribute to your real life owls.

  20. Love your fabric owl! Haha... fat quarters make him fat. So cute.

  21. Very cute!! A perfect example of your everyday life informing your art. Love it!

  22. This is SO COOL! I LOVE it! Wonderful idea to add the fabric to the canvas. Great choice of fabrics, btw. :)

  23. He needs his beak! Can't wait to see what more you add to this great start! HAPPY PPF!

  24. Excellent use of mixed media in art! Well done

  25. Cute fat owl! How did he get so fat without a beak? You can put gel medium right over the fabric. No need to gesso first. But it will change the look of the fabric so try it on a scrap first to make sure you like it. It would be fine just like it is too, just a little harder to dust.

  26. hello, I am still visiting for PPF.
    Such a charming owl. And your owl photos above are amazing!
    Fun that my mermaid inspired you. Is it the above tropical piece you were thinking of?I love your use of color and texture!

  27. This is adorable!!! I love the use of the fabric!!! So cute!!

  28. He's fab but I want him to have a little beak so he can catch them mice to eat! I love the teal/orange combo.... delish!
    Hugs JoZarty x
    Take a look at my previous post as there's a pic at the end of a special little'un on an orange sofa!

  29. This is fabulous!!! Well done!!
    I love that you used fabric for the owl! This is true mixed media!
    Congratulations on a beautiful piece of art!
    xoxo Karen

  30. Oooh that's lovely! What a fabulous idea. :)

    Thanks for sharing.

    Ali #70


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