
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Two Baby Owls!

Today the Geek, Kaefer and I went to the lake to check on the Great Horned Owls (you can read more about them here and here). Both the Geek and Kaefer hadn't seen them before, and I'm glad that they could experience this. This time I also brought my tripod - and today, BOTH baby owls peeked over the edge of the nest. They seem to grow daily, they're big, white and fluffy. They seem to eat well - there was an owl pellet under the tree that contained some crow's feet. Yummy.

It's funny, as soon as you're standing there with binoculars and long lenses on tripods people stop and ask what you're watching. We were happy to tell them, to help them find Mama Owl and Papa Owl high up in the eucalyptus trees. You start to talk and quickly you have a crowd of people around you, all happy to witness nature's beauty. I love it when people come together this way.



  1. Oh, aren't the little ones getting brave? Mommy and Daddy Owl will have to be vigilant from now on! How wonderful for you, your family, and your new fans to see these fluffy owlets.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. absolutely precious! i love the one peeking over the edge of the nest - and mama looking ready to poke your lens out.

  3. OMG - Babies!! I've never seen baby great horned owls before - so awesome. Thank you for sharing! I think I'm in love...

  4. Man ... You so Rock ... CB ... some of the most awesome family photos I have ever seen. so glad you thought to take your tripod ... we just never know ... be still my heart ... not to many Owls around these parts!

  5. I love SPring for this very reason...seeing all the baby animals. These are great shots! I'm so surprised mama let you be so close, and that you were able to get such a great shot of her! Happy Easter.

  6. WOW! Absolutely amazing!! And - that you could get close enough to actually photograph them without scaring them away. A miracle of life! Beautiful...

  7. oh my!! the babies are so cute! and when i first saw the adult owls, i thought the babies were on each side of their wings!! but upon closer inspection, it's actually the pattern of the feathers. how cool!

  8. Hi Carola, die Eulen Bilder sind fantastisch, ich bin hin und weg!
    Danke, dass Du mich heute *besucht* hast! Nett Dich kennenzulernen! Schöne Grüße aus Kaiserswerth sendet Dir Valerie.

  9. these are amazing...and the nest too, thanks for sharing.

  10. Wow, it's fantastic that you were able to capture these shots. Amazing.

  11. These photo's are great. How nice it is that you were able to share your owlish find with others.


  12. These owls are gorgeous. Love the way you were able to capture them. These are very special photos, indeed.

  13. I know many people who would DIE to see what you have just shown us, Carola. I'm one of them!

  14. OMG - these pics are so cool... I love the two fuzzy heads peering down at their visitors! and the "take-charge" Mama watching over them. Cool...


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