
Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Heart is Full

When I looked into Kaefer's room this morning I saw this:

The Geek had just set up the sewing machine, and Kaefer was watching him, hoping to learn from him how to use it. Why she hasn't asked me? Well, I can't sew, have hated it since school thanks to my evil teacher who couldn't stand any non-girly girl which I certainly was. However, the Geek learned to sew during his years in the German military - very practical. Kaefer is designing clothes for her doll at the moment and wants to sew them out of fat quarters (cool patterns, not much fabric, affordable), so she had nagged for quite a bit that the sewing machine be set up, please.

When I saw the two of them so close together, engrossed in what they were doing, I felt my heart almost overflowing. I was so touched by this image, father and daughter together, doing something they enjoy and just spending this time together. I love them so much. I can't imagine being without one of them.



  1. These photos and your little essay really touched my heart. Thank you for sharing your family with us.

  2. What a sweet picture! And I am another one who can't sew!

  3. Hey Carola, you are a very blessed woman, I can tell that you know that.
    Keep enjoying it all.

  4. Loving this daddy/daughter time. So sweet!

  5. I understand how you felt this is such a wonderful much love is shown in these pictures. So very, very touching.

  6. Oh I totally understand that. Love that you captured a moment that is really hard to express.

  7. How wonderful :)! I remember sewing doll's clothes too out of scraps, so thank-you for jogging my memory! The Geek sounds such a great dad ... (And I love your organised shelving behind!)

  8. Was für ein schönes Foto, kein Wunder, dass dir da das Herz überfließt :)
    By the way.... Nähen ist auch etwas, was gar nicht geht - ich bin jedesmal fast dran verzweifelt.

  9. So super sweet!! They are all keepers - your family, the sewing machine and the cute pic!!

  10. it'a obvious from your stories & pictures that your familly is exceptionally close. This is priceless!

  11. What a thrill, Carola. I can just imagine what you feel like seeing these images! Maybe in time you can show us what Kaefer makes?!

  12. Same here, I hated it at school and can´t sew. We have a machine since hubby can :-)


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