
Friday, April 8, 2011

The Girl in the Garden

Yesterday, I finished Girl #3 that I attempted as a result of the She Art Workshop - you know, that wonderful online class I rambled about all the time. I've finally finished watching all the videos and just love to play around - I have several ideas for different girls in my mind and I hope I get over my lazyness and create a little bit more. Well, I just need to kick my butt and keep all the other things out of my mind.

This is my "Girl in the Garden" who turned out a little bit different than I had imagined. Some accidents happened that I worked around, and I still don't know how she got a nose - I didn't put it there! I can't draw noses, but somehow this perky little thing suddenly appeared in the middle of her face. Perhaps I tipped the pen or had paint on my fingers - whatever, it's there, and I like it. It makes her way younger though than I intended her to be which is just fine.

Yesterday I also started a 5x5 canvas for a friend and I'm quite surprised that I'm already done. Perhaps I'm getting more confident in what I'm doing. My difficulty is to get started - after that I can work myself "into the zone" very quickly when drying times become a real challenge for my impatience...

The butterfly didn't quite turn out the way I wanted it to be, but in the end I'm okay with it. Glimmer Mist might not have been my best choice here, however, I like the color and how it blends in.

As it is Friday, I'm linking this to Paint Party Friday and Sneak Peek Friday which this week is on the (in)courage site, as well as to Creative Every Day. There are many more brilliant artists to visit.



  1. So gorgeous Carola...your work has such wondeful energy to it..the first one i love of magical and wonderful..the second has such an ethereal essence to it too...i love it..gorgeous work! Shine on!

  2. She's really pretty. I love her hair!

  3. Very very nice. All very colorful and the Girl In The Garden is really something I like since I spend a lot of time in the gardens. Glad you enjoyed the videos. Have fun with PPF.

  4. I love both of these, gorgeous use of colour. The girl in the garden piece has so much wonderful energy and the second one is more quite, more reflective. I love them both. I admire you as I am too scared to start!

  5. She is so beautiful, Carola...seeing her and reading about her "happy accidental" nose and just how you are growing creatively just made me smile all the way down in my heart!

    Blessings on your weekend!

  6. very creative work, nice to look at.

  7. I love her happy to be working in her garden! Your 5x5 already is looking beautiful! Happy PPF!

  8. I love the one TENDING THE GARDEN!

  9. These are delightful. Getting started is always the hard part, isn't it?

  10. Beautiful work; both of them! I especially love the first one with all the repetition of shapes- like the round flowers echoed in the bubble wrap printing and the flowers in the garden repeated in her dress. Also love the colors you chose and that little nose is wonderful! Don't you just love happy accidents?
    With the second piece- that's one of my favorite canvas sizes and I love how elegant the lines in the face are- beautiful!
    Great job and happy PPF!

  11. For just as it is, is a beautiful painting with a special charm.

  12. I think you did a fantastic job on both pieces! Sometimes happy accidents can really make the painting. I like her nose. :)

  13. Very pretty! I love your garden girl and her nose!

  14. Love your garden girl! And the painting for your friend is looking lovely! Such great colors and I love the expression on the face!

  15. You've been busy - it's so fun to see what you've been up to! (Such fun textures and patterns) I think the subtle butterfly in the bottom one is great :)

    I think the best way to beat being impatient about drying times is to start another painting! Ha!


  16. oh la! la! love the colors in both of these art pieces...
    the gardener is especially adorable...

  17. I really like the 5 x 5 is it a transfer? What have you done it on? paper or canvas and if its canvas how did you do it?? Love Rosie

  18. Your garden girl is very sweet. I like the flowers on her dress. You've been so creative lately...all beautiful works and colors!

  19. the imagine canvas is very impressionistic and appeals greatly to my love of all things Monet ish

    now you have an accidental nose you can apply it next time I do believe you can now 'do noses' ha ha


  20. I especially love the imagine canvas - such a creative piece and I love the vintage look and feel to it!

  21. NOW I cans ee the point of the layers of colour and made them work beautifully..both canvasses are just gorgeous. time to start signing them on the front!!
    Can you email me your address please? There's a link on my blog...ta!

  22. These are both wonderful. I love the colors in both of them. They are so different from each other. The first one made me smile the second one made me think.

  23. Beautiful garden colors and I imagine she's wearing red rubber boots (?). Very cool collage! It's inspirational.

  24. Both pieces are wonderful! The Girl in the Garden is beautiful with all of the color and life in the piece! Don't you love those happy accidents! The second piece IS a very reflective piece, just as beautiful!

  25. Both wonderful pieces CArola! Yes, sweet nose! Charming piece! I can see the fun you had and are having in creating both!

  26. Dein Mädchem im Garten ist ein Traum, eine wunderschöne Seite die mir sehr gut gefällt. Wie immer die Nase in ihr Gesicht gekommen ist... sie passt :)

  27. So loving your background, fab work. Annette

  28. Wow! Both of those pieces are so beautiful! I love the girl one especially.

  29. Lovely choice of colours and the garden gal is very cute.The nose makes her cute.

    Annabelle ~^..^~

  30. Wow!! that is really beautiful! I love all of the color too...

  31. I love all the colors in your Garden Girl piece. So pretty! Don't you just love happy accidents? My difficulty is also getting started! :) Thank you so much for joining us for 'studio sneak peek' on (in)courage this week!

  32. What wonderful layers and details. I love the dress in the first one with the outlines of flowers and pockets, and the little girl's face in the Imagine piece is just adorable!

  33. Just love collage art and art journaling and anything with words and quotes...lovely ;)
    It's Sat. night and DH is watching Nascar so I'm taking the time to catch up on my blog hops. Having a great time with the Sneak Peak Friday and all you wonderfully talented woman...almost intimiated ;) Have a wonderful weekend. Fondly, Roberta

  34. Very pretty - the weather is improving and my thoughts are turning to my sleeping garden too!

  35. A happy accident the nose. lovely pieces and great use of colors!

  36. You are so very creative! Love the girl in the garden. Such beautiful whimsy!

  37. You've been busy! I like the little nose that appeared as if by magic.


  38. I absolutely love the texture and the dimension.

  39. These are lovely Carola. So exciting to see your collage work. The colors and layering are sweet in your Girl in the Garden. I love the nose accident--"fear not- and a nose will happen!" LOL
    And the 5 x 5 is looking fun too!You are cruising along. best to you!


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