
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Winter Wonderland A-Z: Daring

This is NOT my foot - it's the Geek's!


  1. Just been catching up with your blog - I love all these wonderful pictures. Belated Birthday greetings - you were so lucky to spend it in Yoesemite Park. I will get there one day. I take it, that's your foot in the picture! :)

    Thanks for your comment on my desk - it's a bit tidier now!

  2. O my sweet tootsies! I almost peed myself thinking about my bare feet in the snow...brrrrrr. Even though I have been seen in the snow wearing flip flops...I would NEVER place my tender toes in the snow. so far I love your A-Z winter.

  3. cold tootsies! man-ly guy? crazy guy? daring guy? frosty guy?

  4. this picture makes me shudder just to look at it :) but it's a good reminder as i'm off to the UK next week (hoooooooraY). finally getting off the continent, and away from the heat, and into some true winter weather (may have lived in africa for too many years, but am still an english cold weather gal at heart!!)

  5. Are you kidding? How long did he stay there? That's really funny! :-)


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