
Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Two days ago I took pictures of leaves - I loved their colors and how they stood out. It doesn't really look like December... these photos are just as they came out of the camera.

And my favorite:

This is what I see when I look out of my - dirty - kitchen window:

Sorry for the bad quality. I love these little guys, they are so much fun to watch.


  1. I love your leaf photos...I had some that I wanted to capture and the gardeners came with their blowers and before I could stop them they blew them all away. Darn!

  2. WOW! I love your leaf photos! A person would think it's fall and not winter from the looks of things. I love to watch the squirrels too!

  3. this makes me want to call in for a "non-duty" day tomorrow & take my camera on a trip about town... perhaps I will??? stay tuned!

  4. I love the leaf photos too.. they are just so pretty. I love Maple tree because of how pretty the leaves are, but they really dont do so good at where I live because of the wind. Here is a link to that cute owl punch you were talking about

    It is so much fun to use.. it punches out the owl shape, the outfit, eyes,and a little heart. you will see the pic and know what I am talking about. If you have any questions just ask me. I made a little halloween tree and put a bunch of those owls on it in halloween colors.. its super cute. pics on my blog.

    Have a fun day!

  5. Your leaf photos are so lovely, autumn colours are so vivid.
    Love the wee squirrels, the only ones we have here are in storybooks.

  6. lovely pics. there's just something about autumn leaves isn't there?

    we love the squirrels too. ours are very dark brown, we share the walnuts with them.

  7. Love the photos of the leaves and those squirrels are adorable!!

  8. Carola I adore that second picture of the Japanese Maple standing at attention! How cool that would be in a black simple frame in my family room (: Thank you for your sweet comment taking ME down your memory lane. Tiffany certainly is and has always been synonymous with 'special'. Dorothy is so knowledgeable about it all that it is impossible not to appreciate its quality. Enjoy the day!

  9. Dear Carola,
    Late with my comments, always on the last lap and catching up with myself!

    My favourites are #2 like Maria said this would look good in a frame, my absolute favourite though is #5 this one would look even better in a frame in my opinion, the colours of the leaf are echoed in the background contrasting perfectly with the dark wood a very good composition - simply stunning.

    Sue x

    BTW Have you ever had any images printed on Acrylic?

  10. You're right, it doesn't look like December!

  11. Beautiful, beautiful photos! You should submit them to a photo or nature magazine!

  12. What stunning fotos!!!! Out of this world composition my dear. Those squirrels are toooooo cute!! I would love to have them outside my dirty kitchen window tooooooooooo.

  13. Endlich mal wieder Zeit für ausführliche Blogspaziergänge. Du hast ja einen tollen Blick aus deinem Küchenfenster. Das bunte Herbstlaub lässt mich träumen. Wir versinken seit Tagen im Schnee... ich habe schon gefühlte Tonnen bewegt.


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