
Sunday, October 3, 2010

The smell of pumpkin bread

Yesterday was the first day that really felt like autumn. What better thing to do on a day like this than making pumpkin bread? It's easy - and the smell, that slowly fills the house while the bread is baking in the oven, is to die for. It tells of shorter days, hot chocolate, a book and a blanket. Cinnamon and Jack-o-lanterns. Bright pumpkins and funnily shaped gourds, golden days and crisp nights.

The most wonderful season of the year.


  1. I can almost smell the yummy-ness of it.(-:

  2. Holy moly - is that one of your favorite recipes? That looks so good. I think you should give us your recipe... I'm in baking mode too lately, and I'd love to give that a try!

  3. Carola-you are so naughty I tell you! Every time I come over here I get hungry...and i don't even like pumpkin loaf! But I am thinking...banana walnut loaf...

  4. Your pumpkin bread looks delicious!! Oh how I wish you were my friendly neighbor right now. Isn't all the stuff this time of year so much fun? My Halloween creations and your baking make quite a match for today. Thanks for coming by your comments are always such a welcomed sight. I would probably think something was wrong if I didnt see you now... LOL!!

    Take Care~ Sherry

  5. Okay, here's the secret: I made the pumpkin bread with Trader Joe's pumpkin bread and muffin mix. It's simply the best! They only sell it around this time and as soon as it appears on their shelves I stock up on it. It is SOOO good!

  6. Pumpkin bread and apple pie. Two of my favorite autumn smells!!!

  7. Oh my pumpkin bread ~ one of my favorite! This looks soo yummie!! I wish i know how to bake this too! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to yoU!

  8. Mmmmh, das sieht lecker aus - ich bin ja ein großer Kuchenfreak ;)

  9. Oh wow, this bread looks delicious!!! I'll have to pop over and bring hot apple
    Thanks so much for your advice on the tag...When I really think of it, on that store site, the stuff really needs to be "staged." It takes forever and a million pictures for one little tag...can you believe it?
    I hope your'e doing great and hugs to you!!!


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