
Saturday, August 28, 2010

August Break # 13

Have a wonderful August weekend, with lots of sunshine, but not too hot.
Perhaps spent at the beach?


  1. Thanks for commenting on my WEEKWORD post for "BEGIN"... I hope you'll join us this next week??
    Love the crispness of your photos! I'm still learning to use my new 35 mm Canon... often I fall back on my Canon point n' shoot because it is so familiar!
    SO, do you live in the Bay area? or just traveled to the City? I recognize some of the sites in your photos.

  2. oh for some sunshine here in Englands for our Bank Holiday! thanks for visiting my blog. I shall join in some of the challenges soon. Love the idea of workdesk Wednesday and found art Friday! I have LOTS of found art


Thanks for stopping by. I'd love to hear from you!